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Laura, in a loveless marriage, and depressed. Joins her oldest friend to get her out of her funk.
She sat on the couch, board. watching the drone of the TV news reporter blathering. The news was depressing, but that's what he wanted to watch. She dressed up nicely looking forward to going out, but it seems he settled in his TV watching mode. She spent the time to make herself as attractive as she could. Spent a day at the salon, getting her nails done, she even went to the spa, and painfully remove her hair. All this in an attempt to pull herself up from the depression she's been dealing with.

In the beginning his attention was not difficult to maintain, his vigor and wanting seemed to be all that was needed. Now years later his attention had weaned. Her attempts for attention, the flicker of the TV screen or his phone seems to command most of his attention. Leaving her to wonder and reminisce to a time when she was the center of his attention.

She planned this evening's events, but neglected to take into account his willingness to participate. He seemed to be the flaw in her plan. So there she sat staring into the abyss of the TV, lost in her own thought, and feelings of neglect.

Depression set in, as she held back the tears, his body slumped on the couch, and the deep breath of his sleep began to set in. She stood up and walked out of the room, leaving the TV on. She walked to the bathroom to let her emotions loose. Leaning on the sink she stared into her own eyes reflected in the mirror.

She grabbed a Kleenex, and supped up the tears welling up at the bottom of her eyelids. She turned and looked at the full size mirror on the back of the bathroom door. Looking at herself, she picked out all the flaws she could see. She focused on her wrinkles, crows feet, she felt fat, and ugly. Her self-esteem could not be lower. In all actuality, her little dress hugged her body, as her curves are greatly focused. Her breast heaved over the top, her lipstick, makeup was purposeful, she is beautiful.

Her legs are long, toned and smooth. Her creamy slightly tanned skin, really made her red hair stand out. She is stunning, but in her mind she was not worth anyone's time. All of her efforts to stimulate some attention had failed. She calmed herself, and resigned to getting ready for bed.

She reached back and unzipped her dress, and slipped out of it with a wiggle and let it drop to the floor. She glanced at the mirror, with judgmental eyes. Her matching bra and panties were so cute on the mannequin when she saw them in the mall window. Pink with blue polka dots with matching lace bows centered in both bra and thong. Both lined with dark fabric on the edges. Against her skin it marked where and how beautiful and luscious her curves are.

She resolved to throw on her PJ and go to bed. The sound of snoring penetrated the bathroom door. She sighed and let out a slow breath. She reached the thin band of the thongs and pulled them down to the floor. Her smooth legs ended at the curve of her smooth pussy.

She reached back, began to fiddle with the clasp of her bra. Her phone chimed with a new text message.

Her best friend texted her "what's up?" She smiled. They had been friends since grade school, and remained friends in college, and to this day continued their friendship. They both acted like sisters, and knew each other's secrets. Earlier in their friendship they seemed to have a connection, and had the ability to have conversations without a word.

This made the guys who they dated a bit uncomfortable, as they shared everything in life and relationships. Nothing seemed to be able to break their bond, and less secured men who have come and gone out of their life were threatened by it. In general they enjoyed each other's company, and have been there for each other on many occasions. Even to the point of being maid of honors in each other's weddings.

Wendy was that kind of friend, and more of the wild one. It was no surprise that her marriage didn't last very long and Lauren was there through it all. In her current relationship Wendy is happy, with her divorce behind her, she is enjoying her new boyfriend. Which to Lauren, he seems to look similar to Wendy's old husband, but younger. Jokingly they call him 2.0. During her first meeting Lauren and her husband (who is currently snoring in the other room) enjoyed meeting him and had a pleasant dinner and drinks outing.

All the while in their wordless conversations were all about how good he looked and his abilities in bed. Wendy, during that dinner date, looked invigorated and yet relaxed, and had a smile of satisfaction. Lauren knew that look, and knew what that meant. Giving her a knowing smile, with a quick raised flick of her eyebrow, basically asking was it that good? Wendy responds by picking up her glass and taking a sip with a quick wink.

Wendy has been dating him for almost two months now; she seems very content, and vibrant as opposed to Lauren's life. She secretly envied Wendy, and even imagined herself in Wendy's place. Knowing how well they knew each other she had no doubt that Wendy was aware of what Lauren was thinking.

Back to the here and now, Lauren standing pantie-less in the bathroom picked up the phone, and opened the message. The message said WHAT'S UP with an emoji of two darkened stick figures, one obviously eating the other out, with a smiley face.

Lauren smiled for a moment, and responded I got all dressed up for nothing, he is zzz on the couch. Then hit send.

The icon for the message being typed popped up then disappeared, popped up and disappeared, popped up and then after a few seconds the message read OH i am so sorry honey, are you OK? Do you want to talk? Lauren hesitated in her response, but really needed to vent. She typed back yes I do, I feel so unwanted.

Do you want to come over? It's early and we can have some wine and just talk.

Lauren responded I don't know he's asleep and I am not dressed.

Wendy responded Woo Woo sexy lady, put on your clothes, and come over, i want to see that dress too.

Lauren responded HA you are too much lady. I still don't know.

Wendy responded well I will make it worth your wild, I will call up my BF and I know you like to see him in his jeans... At Least we can both look at something pretty!

Lauren responded LOL oh he's pretty! Thanks for making me laugh

Wendy responded I'll make him serve us wine and make him dance, and put on a bow tie, like chip and dale's dancers HAHA ;) c'mon girl, get out of that house.

Lauren responded I still don't know, he's asleep in the other room, and don't feel like getting dressed again

Wendy responded BULL SHIT get your ass out here and dress pretty for me baby! hahaha.. I am your hot date tonight! Get a move on BITCHES!

Lauren responded you are insane, but I love you girl. Ok give me a couple

Wendy responded YAAAY! ok going to grab a bottle and let it breath.. i'll c in 15

Lauren responded ok lady!

Lauren stepped back into her panties and pulled them back on, fixed her bra, then slipped back into her dress. She checked herself in the mirror and re-applied some of her makeup. Opening the bathroom door, she saw him still slumped with the TV on. She walked by and nudged him, she snapped up, before he could say anything she said i'm heading over to Wendy's, just letting you know. He nodded and laid back on the couch. She grabbed her keys, got in her car and began to drive to her best friend's house

Lauren pulled into Wendy's driveway, got out of the car, pulled her dress down because her panties were showing, then walked up to the door. The door opened before she had a chance to ring the bell, and a large glass or wine was in her face. She laughed and stepped in.

Wendy grabbed her free hand and yanked her in, closing the door then giving Lauren a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek. Oh honey tell mamma' all about it. The both laughed. Wendy stepped back oh wow you look fabulous! as she stepped back to get a better look. HOT girl, how are you doing with a wink. They both laughed as they walked into the living room.

A second bottle was uncorked.

They chatted. Lauren began feeling better as she gabbed with her best friend. The chat was interrupted every so often as Lauren kept sliding her dress down. Wendy noticed, and said stop fidgeting will you, it's not like I haven't ever seen all of you, there is no one here but us. Lauren busted out, I know, I just feel.. I don't usually dress like this. Wendy blurted with a laugh, No kidding, but it's just us, so stop worrying.

Bottle number three was opened.

Feeling the effects of the wine and the fun conversation, Lauren stood up and headed to the bathroom to pee. The doorbell rang and she heard Wendy answer the door. Some muffled sounds of a man's voice came through the bathroom door. Lauren finished peeing, wiped and stood up. The wine was in effect, as she felt light headed and enjoyed the feeling. She washed up and stepped out of the bathroom.

Wendy shouted, as she was feeling the effects also, The entertain... ment is here! and laughed. Her boyfriend stood next to her laughing, What have you two gotten into. t-free bottle of wine so far baby, as she smacked him on the ass. Now go bring us more wine servant boy! Lauren and Wendy both laughed at that, and ran to each other in a hug. Her boyfriend shook his head and turned towards the kitchen.

Bottle number four.

At this point Lauren didn't care if her dress rode up and the conversation flowed like the wine. Wendy's boyfriend joined in the drinking, and conversation. Wendy turned to her boyfriend. Look at her, isn't she gorgeous, she got all dressed up and her... Her whatever he is, didn't even try to hit that. I would hit that! Wendy sat up, and looked at her boyfriend, wouldn't you hit that. Her boyfriend just smiled, blushed, and sipped his wine. NOOO seriouslyyy she said in a drunken slur, she's hot and I would hit that. Look at those panties, there is hot pussy under there!

Lauren started laughing, at this point her caring about her panties and dress was long gone. Yeah! I got a hot pussy, don't you want to hit that. At that point Wendy said he's got a nice cock too, and knows how to use it. She got up and walked over to where he was sitting, grabbed his hands and walked him over to where Lauren was sitting. Wait till you see this. She reached for his zipper and he pulled away. Baby I don't ... Shut up servant boy you are here to serve. She unzipped his jeans and reached in, pulled his cock out.

Lauren eyed the cock in front of her, and hesitated. No no babe, Wendy's stated it's OK, I don't mind, plus I've known you wanted to see what he is working with. Wendy bent down and kissed the head of his cock. He jerked, and Wendy turned to Lauren, give it a kiss! he tasted great.

Lauren leaned forward and took the head of his cock in her mouth, he jerked. Wendy undid his belt and unbuttoned his jeans, pulling them down to the ground. Lauren moaned as his cock grew in her mouth. Hey girl save some for me. Wendy pulled his cock out of Lauren's mouth and shoved it into hers. He slipped off his pants and underwear, Lauren reached up under and began to lick his balls.

He pulled away and turned to Wendy and pulled her up for an open mouth sloppy kiss while he slipped off her shirt and pulled her pants and panties down to the floor. Lauren continued sucking on his balls. He pulled off his shirt and reached for Lauren and sloppy kissed her, while cupping and roughly rubbing her panties over her pussy.

She buckled at his touch, and moaned loudly. Wendy walked over and unzipped her dress, unclasped her bra, and slipped off her panties. Wendy hugged Lauren from the back running her hands on her breasts, as her boyfriend continued kissing and rubbing Lauren's pussy. Wendy kissed and nibbled on Lauren's ears, then whispered I love you Lauren. Lauren gasped I love you too.

Her boyfriend sat back on the couch and Wendy and Lauren sat on either side, playing with his balls and sucking his cock. Licking on his shaft, taking turns swallowing as much of him as they could, and kissing each other in the process.

His hands rubbing both of their asses, and fingering they now wet pussies. He stood up and had them lay next to each other. He pulled out his phone and snapped a picture as they continued to play and rub each other.

Both girls faced each other as their legs were spread overlapping each other. He knelt in front of this girlfriend and stuck his tongue into her pussy as she moaned while Lauren sucked on her breast

He sucked on her lips and flicked he clit with his tongue. Lauren sat up and began to suck on his cock once more. She rubbed Wendy's clit. Pulling his cock out of her mouth and positioned his hard cock towards Wendy's no hot wet pussy, and helped slide it home.

Wendy Moaned in pleasure, as his cock slowly stretched her open. She mashed her teeth and he went deeper with every stroke. Lauren bent down and kissed Wendy, while rubbing her own pussy, watching her best friend get fucked. Wendy's moan became louder as her body tensed as her orgasm waved through her body, her toes curled and through clenched teeth she forced FUCKKKK!

He grabbed Lauren by the hair and pulled her face down to his cock and shoved it into her mouth, she sucked hard and wanting, tasting his cum and her best friend's pussy juice. He rammed his cock in her mouth, at that point Wendy pulled Lauren's leg over and positioned her face under Lauren's pussy, grabbed her ass pulling her lips into her mouth. Her mouth filled with cock her muffled moan of pleasure could be heard as she pressed her pussy downwards towards Wendy's open mouth.

Wendy's boyfriend looked at Lauren, ready for this cock? Lauren looked back at Wendy and the non-communication bond they shared, the answer was clear. He pulled her hair and lifted her up to his face, kissed her deeply and pushed her back down onto the couch. Wendy spread Lauren's legs open and spread her lips apart. Just as Lauren did for Wendy. Wendy then grabbed her boyfriend's cock and slid it into her. Lauren's toes immediately curled as she had a huge orgasm.

He rammed his cock in long hard strokes as her body shook from each impact. Her second orgasm came a few seconds later. Her pussy was leaking, his cock was covered and shimmered from being coated with her excitement.

Wendy's phone rang at that moment with her husband's ringtone. Reality kicked in really quickly as she leaped up, still panting. In a clear voice she said Hello?
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