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Chapter Six
I had just managed to sit up and slip on the short robe as a voice was heard. I was still tying the flaps when a man about my age entered the room. He had jet-black hair; a disarming smile that was coupled with white even teeth. The muscles in his stomach were prominent and very sexy looking. I also noticed that he sported a nice bulge beneath the towel wrapped around his trim waist.
“Good day. My name is Carlo. Welcome to our…establishment”. To satisfy your needs, would you please tell me what you desire? This way, I can assign hopefully the correct person.”
He said with a nice smile as his gaze stayed on my bare legs.
Following his obvious interest, I could see that the short hem was letting some of my pubic curls peek out.
Looking at him evenly, I remarked, “I want someone who can control and give me good sex, and a …lot of it. My partner can be either a male or a female. Or both! What? Pain? Oh, yes, a little pain is always good. Can you help me?”
Smiling at me with even white teeth, and then down to my slightly parted thighs, Carlo said,” Ms. Allen, would you consider me being your…”partner? I can promise that I will fill all of your desires. ”
“I…guess…so. I don’t see why not?” I replied with a smile.
“Thank you. I promise you an enjoyable time.” With an easy pull on his towel, it dropped to the floor. My breath caught for Carlo was well endowed. Very much so!
“Yes! I do think you will be fine. You’re…Uh… you… are very well...!”
He thanked me as helped me down and we went into a shower room. Adjusting the temperature, he stepped close enough that his cock brushed against me as he helped me remove my robe. Looking at my nudity, he muttered under his breath. Leading me under the stinging spray, he began to wash my trembling body.
Wetting me down, he took a sponge and soaped it. First he did my arms and hands.
Turning me, he scrubbed my back and even between my ass cheeks. The sponge dipped between my thighs and I gasped as it rubbed my throbbing vagina. Turning me to face him, his hand circled my waist and pulled me against his hard body. With his hardness pushed against my stomach, the sponge went to my tits and Carlo gently scrubbed every inch of them.
When he finished I expected him to step back, but he kept our lower bodies tight as he began weighing, massaging and then pulling the nipples. His ministrations felt so good plus his cock had now slipped between my thighs.
Dropping to his knees, he gently opened my trembling legs apart. His sponge-laden hand began soaping my cunt firmly. Crying out, I began begging him to stop. He looked up at me and then began to wash my long legs. Gently moving the sponge up and down my calves, he whispered;
“Do you really want me to stop?”
Sobbing slowly, I answered no.
His hand started an upward trip over my body and the water ran over his fingers as it came closer to my moistening sex. A meowing sound erupted from my trembling lips, as his thumb became rigid just as it went in my cunt to the first knuckle.

Moving it up and round brought grunts and moans from me. A smile broke out as he saw that I enjoyed his rough ministrations.
Carlo stopped and sat up between my spread thighs. His cock was rigid and bobbing from his muscular frame. My eyes widened at its sight.
“Yes! Carlo…please! Fuck me!” I said with a gasp.
“Oh! Don’t worry! I intend to fuck you. That you can count on. But first, I want you to suck me. So get down here and work on this before I take a belt to your leaking cunt!”
Whimpering slightly, I sat up and worked my body until I had his throbbing hardness in my hand and the spongy head past my full and sensuous lips. His hands massaged my face as he fed his meat deeper and deeper into my mouth. I had to swallow just to keep from gagging as my mouth was stuffed.
Pushing me back after a while, “Okay cunt, open your legs. I need some of your pussy. And let me tell you, it had better be a good fuck or I’m going to have you participate in a gang bang!”
Yes! I wanted to yell out. This is the way I liked to be made love to. Give me a man who takes no coyness or hesitation when it came to fucking! My cunnie twitched when he pushed my legs apart. For a few brief moments, his eyes bored in on my pink tinged meat that was wide open. Slowly his eyes went up my heaving body and rested when we made eye contact. My body slightly shivered as his hand slowly went the length of my smooth inner thigh. It stopped only when it cupped my pulsing twat.
The two large fingers that eased up my wet crotch seemed to fill me. Again our eyes met and we kissed. Suddenly hand began to push, gouge, twist, and rub my cunt. My hips turned and twisted under the maddening feeling as sounds emitted from my tear-streaked face. When it was obvious that my time was near, Carlo jerked his fingers out and quickly got between my thighs.

Pushing up my wet channel until I was stuffed with his cock, he began stroking me.
His and Jay’s cocks were almost the same in size and their styles similar. Closing my eyes made me think that Jay was taking me instead of a stranger. But the idea of a complete stranger filled me with more excitement. Here I was, miles from home, and letting a perfect stranger do what ever he wanted with my body. It was too bad that my husband was not here to see me being taken by someone else. He would have thoroughly enjoyed it. Lifting my buttocks to get more feeling, the tension balloon burst as I hunched against my lover. His cock sensed my timing and the big vein that runs the length of the male penis began throbbing. Within seconds, my channel was awash with his semen.
Later as we rested and he was stroking the velvet flesh of my buttocks, he said he would like to spank me there until I came. Kissing his lips, I told him that he could whip me any time he wanted. Returning the kiss, he cupped my cunt.
“Ah, your body is on fire. Never have I seen someone with the desires and passion like you. “
Going between my legs, Carlo quickly entered and hammered away at me until my body responded not once but twice. When his time neared, he began spanking my full buttocks hard enough to feel the power of his thrusts up me. I locked my legs around his athletic body as his hose sprayed away some of the sexual tension in me.
Holding me in his arms, Carlo gently kissed me. Moving his lips to my ear, he whispered if we could meet again before I left. Smiling and returning the kiss, I gave him my hotel name, and room number.
Stroking my buttocks and damp sex, he smiled and asked if he could bring his little belt. Spreading my damp thighs for his grouping hand, I replied that he could bring his big belt.
I was given my robe and Carlo wrapped the towel back around his body. Entering a room more brightly lit than the others; a table of food was sat out to enjoy. There were other people their in-groups of one to three. Carlo and I pigged out. The screwing had made me hungry. Twice I filled my plate and had just about finished when a somewhat younger exact copy of Carlo approached us and took the open chair next to me.
“Nancy, this is my brother, Juan.”
Extending my hand, Juan ignored it as he took me in his arms and kissed me deeply. His hand slipped through the robe, then between my thighs. I gasped but willingly opened them to his searching hand.
Breaking apart, he smiled and showed an even set of white teeth.
“Excuse me senorita, but your beauty is breathtaking.”
He replied as his hand stayed on me.
“Umm! Wow! What a welcome! Thank you, will you join us?”
“Yes, thank you.” Juan responded. He smiled as he gently squeezed my labia lips, and then moved to the table.
I was seated between the two brothers and had no more than sat down, when Juan once again found my robe opening and delved between my thighs. I looked at him and smiled as his hand worked up and down my slit. Carlo smiled and gently laughed as I gasped when his brother filled me with two fingers.
“Nancy! Look at that table with the woman and two men!” Juan pointed to a trio of two men and a woman at the table across from us.
She was a pretty woman with an attractive face. It was obvious she was masturbating the men.
“I had her earlier today.” Juan said. “She enjoys sex very much. She came here with a young boy and a girl.”
His long middle finger was up me to the hilt, sliding back and forth.
“Si. I saw them in the waiting room. The boy had his hand up her skirt.” Carlo added.
Later, I was taken down a hallway that housed several small dimly lit rooms on each side. I thought it was strange that there were no doors. Carlo laughed softly at my question and said that in this house, everything was out in the open. Guiding me into one that looked like it was vacant, he said not to leave until he returned. Giving me another kiss, he left.
Just as I began to lie down on the big bed, someone said something from the shadows. I had not noticed anyone and jumped. It was Rita.
She was also in a robe like mine. However, it was wide open! Giving me a smile, she asked,
“Have you been enjoying yourself?”
“Yes, so far. Did you leave and come back, or what?”
“No. I have been with the Doctor and his nurse. They have been taking turns with me for the last hour or so.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t have minded being with that Doctor again myself.” I replied with a sly grin.
Lying down next to me, we turned on our sides facing each other. Our lips immediately met and hungrily fed on each other. We took turns kissing and fondling each other’s breasts. Whimpering slightly when the berry shaped nipple on my left tit was twisted, Rita hissed out a command,
“Open your legs.”
Reaching down and inserting her finger up me, she said, “Remember when I said I hope to get to taste this again?”
I nodded my head rapidly and took her face in my hands, and kissed her sweet tasting lips. This set us off and soon we were alternating our conversation with kisses and caresses. All at once, Rita sat up and pulled my thighs open even more.
I whimpered slightly as she lowered her head between my
out stretched thighs. Gasping, her mouth felt great against my vagina as it began sucking my sensitive flesh. The sensations were nerve racking and sounds of passion poured from my throat.
Finally able to speak, I told her to spin around and straddle my head. Sending my tongue past the curly hair surrounding her cunt, she shuddered as I used it like a miniature penis. For the next twenty minutes we brought each other to multiple comes.
Breaking apart, she asked if my cunt had been satisfied yet, I smiled and replied, “Almost.” Yes, it was “almost” but still not at the level I wanted to achieve. No…I still had to search. Perhaps, someday I would find the one.
Showering, we returned and ate more snacks. Finishing, we lay in each other’s arms and talked about the men and experiences we had enjoyed. Her hands went to my globes and I mewed with delight. I enjoyed her hands on me as she cupped and jiggled my resilient tit flesh. Taking the berry shaped nipples between her finger and thumb; she looked at me as she began mashing them. The pain was good and when Rita saw that I enjoyed it, she kneaded and twisted the tips to even more state of hardness.
“You enjoy pain don’t you?”
Her thumb and finger were mashing the nipples almost hard enough to make tears come to my eyes.
Nodding at her question, she eased up a little.
“Nancy, you bitch, roll over and spread your legs.”
I jumped when she gave me a sharp slap on my buttock. I was told to rise so she could put a pillow under my stomach. My crotch was now more pronounced and open.
“Whore, I am going to leave for a few minutes. So, you stay just as you are right now. Keep your legs open. This way anyone who comes down the hall can see your stinking cunt. And you had better not try to cover up. You understand?”

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-09-07 10:27:10
you would never leave me. Why are there only one set of tire tracks in the sand?""Because you cut me off back on 42nd steret dumb ass! Idiot. Spilled my triple grande skinny you fuck. Do you know how hard it is to get mocha stains out of a white robe?"


2009-09-23 22:35:00

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