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Daddy and daughter go out to the mountains to spread her mother's ashes, but neither of them ever could have expected what would end up happening next.
Dad and I went to Mom's favourite spot, up in the mountains. It was about an hour's drive from home, followed by a four hour hike. I remember it seeming like a lot longer, when I was little. It's possible that was just because I'd been a kid, and therefore hadn't had a very good sense of time. But admittedly, I'd also been a stubborn little thing back then, always insisting on walking the whole way myself rather than letting Daddy carry me, so it's possible it really had taken as long as I'd thought. Either way, this time Dad and I had done it in four, arriving by early afternoon. We dropped off our packs, then walked around the small lake until we found a spot we liked, a big rock to stand on with the wind coming from our backs. We'd each said a few words, telling Mom how much we loved her and missed her, then we opened up the urn and let her ashes float out onto the water. Dad found a tree to rest against, and I sat down between his thighs, holding his arms tight around my waist with my own. We cried and cuddled, sharing our favourite stories and memories—the ones that were too personal for us to have shared at her funeral a few days before. We stayed there until the sun started to set, holding hands on the way back.

The cabins were actually more of a set of row-houses, and were about as simple as it was possible to be; four walls, two small shelves for beds, no plumbing, no heating, and only a single small, thick-paned window for a bit of light. Perfect, in other words, as least as far as Mom had been concerned. They were really meant more for cross-country skiers and snowshoers in wintertime, but they were quite pleasant in summer, too. It wasn't crowded, but we did have neighbours this time; a couple and their two small boys, about four and six, on our left, and a trio of college students, two girls and a guy, on our right. Dad and I politely nodded and waved hello, but we didn't feel like socializing. Besides, we really wouldn't have fit in. The couple were trying to teach the boys how to roast marshmallows, fighting to keep the overly-excited youngsters from accidentally flinging sticky, flaming goo into each other's faces. The college kids, meanwhile, looked like they'd packed in enough beer and White Claws to drown a mule, and were determined not to pack anything but empty cans back out. Dad and I set up our propane burner and cooked a quick supper for ourselves, then visited the outhouse, hung our remaining food from the bear scaffold, and turned in for the night.

“Hey Dad...” I asked as we were setting up our thin foam mattresses and sleeping bags. “Do you think, maybe, it would be okay if we shared? I think I could just really use the extra cuddles tonight, you know?”

“Of course, sweetie,” he said, pulling me into his arms and holding me tight, kissing my hair. “Anything you need. Always.”

I managed not to cry again, if barely, and we quickly swapped things around, doubling up the mattresses and unzipping the sleeping bags to use them like blankets instead. We turned our backs to each other as we got ready for bed, Dad stripping down to just his boxers, me changing into the thin, comfortable little sleep shirt and fresh panties I'd packed for the purpose. Dad crawled in first, piling up our discarded jackets and clothing to use as a pillow for himself, then welcoming me in beside him to rest my head on his warm, firm biceps, wrapping me in his arms and holding me close. I felt kind of self-conscious at first, with my firm, D-cup breasts pressed so tightly against his chest, only the thin fabric of my shirt separating us, my long, slender legs partially entwined with his. But I just felt so warm, and cozy, and safe, and loved... I forced myself not to think about it too much, and just snuggled in closer, giving him a gentle kiss good-night on his strong, hairy chest.

I think that's all that ever would have come of it, if it hadn't been for those college kids. They moved their party indoors not long after we'd turned in, and it became immediately apparent that the three of them were more than just friends. Their moaning, squealing, and the squeaking of their bed shelf were bad enough already, but the yells of 'Yeah, give it to her Daddy! Fuck that little slut while she eats my pussy! Make her fucking cum!' were on a whole other level. I felt bad for the parents of those boys, but hopefully with our room in the middle to separate them from it they wouldn't be hearing it too clearly. For us though, they were just on the other side of the wall, maybe six inches, tops, between them and us. I tried not to listen, but I couldn't help it, nor could I help my response. I so did not want my pussy getting wet while I was laying half-naked next to my own dad! But that's what was happening all right, my nipples firming up like a pair of marbles attached to my breasts, the heat between my thighs spreading and rapidly growing in intensity, my juices beginning to flow. God... if this kept up he was totally going to be able to smell me, too! If he couldn't already, it wouldn't be long. I squirmed a little, trying to find a position to lay in where I could more tightly close my thighs, and that was when I felt it; hard and thick and long, almost scaldingly hot to the touch of my thigh where my movement had made it sneak out through the leg of his boxers.

“Oh!” I gasped, my surprise short-circuiting my brain into speech before I could think to pretend it had never happened.

“Uhhh... sorry, sweetie,” Dad said, the guilt and regret clear in his voice as he reached down to tuck himself safely back inside. “It's just those college kids... I can't really control it.”

“It's not your fault,” I wanted to reassure him. At least it was dark enough now that he wouldn't be able to see me blushing. “I totally get it. It's really turning me on, too.”

“It is?” he asked, and I couldn't help it; his obvious surprise made me laugh.

“You couldn't tell, from the way my nipples have been trying to bore a hole through your chest?” I asked.

“Well...” he shyly admitted. “Maybe a little, now that you mention it. I didn't want to say anything.” He kissed me softly in my hair, making me sigh. “But to be completely honest... there was maybe a bit more behind my reaction than just the kids next door.”

“Oh...” I said again, swallowing nervously as I unpacked the meaning of what he'd just said. It was understandable, really. He may be my father, but he'd been a man, first; why shouldn't he respond that way, when he felt my nipples firming up against his chest the way they were? The truth was, maybe I'd been a little guilty of that sin, myself. It was mostly because of what was happening next door, sure. But being held so tightly in his arms, feeling the strength of him, smelling the sweat on his skin and feeling the way his chest hair tickled my nose... that sure hadn't hurt matters any. But unlike him, I was way too much of a coward to admit it out loud.

“I'm sorry, sweetie, if saying that made you uncomfortable,” he said, after I'd proved that no more was forthcoming from me.

“No, it's not that,” I hurried to explain. “Actually... it's really kind of flattering, even. I'm just...”

“What is it, baby?” he asked. “Whatever it is, you can tell me.”

“Well...” I sighed, giving up and deciding to just say it. “It's just that I'm so turned on now, I'm really trying to figure out how I'm ever going to fall asleep, if I can't make myself cum first and get it out of my system!” It may have been getting darker, but I could still see well enough to recognize the look of shock on his face. Then he started to laugh.

“It's not funny!” I objected, giving him a firm thump on his side. “Cut that out!”

“It is funny, but not for the reason you think,” he kept chuckling and shaking his head. “It's funny because I was thinking almost the exact same thing myself, just before you said it!”

“You were? Really?” I asked, and he nodded, finally getting his laughter under control. “Ummm... In that case... I guess maybe we could, if we wanted to?”

“You mean... I could go on a little walk, find a convenient tree to hide behind while you stay here, and I could come back once we'd both had enough time to finish. Right sweetie?”

“Umm... yeah, maybe that could work,” I agreed, my cheeks really starting to burn. No, that wasn't what I'd meant. But did I dare say that? Would I hate myself more in the morning if I did... or if I didn't? “But... maybe you don't have to go on a walk, too.”

“Baby?” he asked, as surprised as I was that I'd actually said it, but I couldn't stop now.

“I mean... if we both know what we're going to be doing anyways,” I whispered shyly. “Why don't we both just do it here, where we can both be comfortable?”

“In front of each other, you mean?” he gasped. I couldn't make myself say it again, but I nodded my agreement. Only, we both seemed frozen after that, and I realized that as much as I didn't want to be the one, he was still my dad, and struggling with his need to protect me even from himself. I needed to be the one to take the next step.

“I can start first, if you want,” I breathed, barely loud enough for him to hear. I slowly moved my hand between my thighs, staring into his eyes in the darkness as I slipped into my panties. Oh, God, I couldn't believe what I was doing! I did this to myself every night... often multiple times per night, if I was being honest! But I'd never, ever done it in front of anyone else before, much less my own dad! The thing was, as I slowly, gently began rubbing up and down my lips, collecting the moisture I would use when I was ready to start playing with my clit... I actually wanted to! I wanted to get myself off in front of him, wanted him to watch! Somewhere along the line this had stopped being about the college kids next door. They were still there, still going at it as loudly as ever, but they were background music now. Now, it was about the way Daddy was holding me in his arms, how sexy he was, how loved and safe he made me feel, even though Mom was gone.

“I want you to do it too, Daddy,” I breathed, my voice growing huskier as I began to play. I couldn't even remember the last time I'd called him 'Daddy', instead of dad. Maybe it was because that's what the girls next door had been saying, and it had just gotten into my mind. But whatever the reason... it just felt right! “Please, Daddy... play with your cock for me!” God, I felt so dirty, and sexy, saying it out loud like that! But that's what I wanted, suddenly more than anything! I wanted Daddy to play with his cock!

“Okay, baby,” he said. Or maybe 'growled' would be a more accurate term. His voice was so deep, and sexy sounding... it made me tremble a little, just hearing it! I could feel him moving around, knew he was pulling himself out, starting to stroke! And oh my God, that heat again, where he'd just inadvertently touched me on my belly! I couldn't help it; I flung our top sleeping bag down and away, leaning back and getting my first ever look at a real cock, live and in person!

“Oh my God, Daddy!” I gasped, my eyes feeling like they were about to pop out of my head. “You're huge!”

“Thank you, baby,” he grinned, licking his lips as he looked me up and down in turn. “You, on the other hand, most definitely are not—with a couple of very obvious exceptions!” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively at my breasts, making me giggle and blush.

“Thank you, Daddy,” I smiled shyly. I'd always been really self-conscious about them growing up, since I'd developed so early and had always been so much bigger than the other girls in my class. But I loved the way he was looking at them now, making me feel so desirable and sexy!

“Can I see, baby?” Daddy asked then, confusing me enough to finally make me look up from his cock and back into his eyes. “You can see me,” he explained. “So far all I've gotten to see is panties.”

“Oh!” I exclaimed, blushing again. I really was glad it was too dark for him to notice! “Sorry, yeah. I guess that wasn't very fair of me, hunh?” I pulled my hand out and lifted my hip, wiggling as I pushed them down my thighs. “Better, Daddy?”

“Gorgeous, baby!” he growled hungrily, licking his lips. “Absolutely gorgeous!”

I preened, just happy that I'd decided to shave in the shower that morning before we'd left. And then, because it was making me feel so warm and fuzzy inside to see the way he was staring at me down there, I suddenly decided to sit up and strip myself out of my sleep shirt, too!

“Oh, wow, baby!” he moaned. “Just... wow!”

“I'm glad you like them, Daddy!” I giggled, laying back down on his arm and cuddling in close, squishing them tightly against his chest, his big, hot cock pressing against my belly as he stroked.

“Ummm... you're not giving me a whole lot of room to work with here, baby,” he said, carefully pulling himself away.

“It's okay, Daddy,” I purred, eagerly slipping my hand back down and getting back to work on myself. “I like the way it feels when it touches me! Do you like the way it feels, touching me?”

“I love it, baby!” he moaned, pressing himself against me on purpose now, speeding up his stroking and making himself rub so nicely against my skin! “God, you're so sexy!”

“You too, Daddy!” I moaned. And since my own boobs were kinda in my way now anyways, I finally stopped trying to stare at his cock, and looked up into his eyes instead. I bit my lip, considering... and then I kissed him! He gasped against my lips in surprise, but he didn't pull away. I'd never actually done this before either, but I at least knew the theory, from talking with girlfriends. I slipped my tongue out between my lips, just a little, giving him the invitation. And then I didn't need to know what I was doing, because Daddy was totally taking charge! I moaned heavily into his mouth as we made out, just trying to keep up! But things were still happening elsewhere too, and I guess I let myself get so distracted by my kiss, they kinda got away from me a little. Before I knew it I was cumming, mewling into Daddy's mouth, my whole body trembling and just really, really trying not to knee him in the balls!

“Good girl!” he purred to me as I was finishing, taking his hand from his cock to lovingly stroke my cheek, running his ringers through my hair. “God, you cum so prettily!”

“Thank you, Daddy,” I giggled shyly, not quite sure what he meant by that, but proud to have pleased him just the same. “Do you think... maybe we could trade now, Daddy?” I asked. “I could try touching you, and you could touch me?”

“I would love that, baby!” he breathed. “If you're really sure?”

I nodded enthusiastically, and reached down to take him into my hands. God, he really was enormous... I took him in both hands, one above the other, and still had plenty left over! He was so heavy, and hot, and such a strange, enticing combination of soft and hard! I started to stroke, nice and slow, trying my best to imitate the way he'd been doing it for himself, keeping the top bit of him pressed against my belly. His hand moved too, as we started kissing again, but not straight for my pussy like I'd expected. He started with my breast, squeezing and kneading deeply, making me moan into his mouth. Then slowly down my side and onto my butt, doing very much the same. Only then did he finally make his way between my thighs, cupping, squeezing, rubbing... I was in heaven! Then I gasped, his finger actually going inside of me!

I could hardly believe it! I'd tried it that way myself, of course, but I'd never gotten much in the way of results. It felt much, much better for me to just concentrate on my sensitive little button, so that's what I always did. But this... I must have been doing it wrong, or something, because this was incredible! His finger was so thick, and hard, and hot, going repeatedly in and out! It reminded me so much of what was still in my hands, and I started trying to mimic him, stroking at the exact same pace he was using inside of me! Time lost all meaning; it could have been a minute, it could have been an hour, but all of a sudden a second finger was sliding in along the first, which somehow more than doubled what I was feeling. He did that for a little while more, which was incredible... and then he did something inside me. I wasn't sure quite what it was, or if I'd even understood just how he'd done it. It felt like he'd pushed his fingers as far inside as they would go, and then instead of taking them in and out anymore he'd just kind of... fluttered them, or something, upwards in the direction of my belly.

It was like my whole body turned to liquid, like I didn't even have bones anymore! I didn't understand it! There had been no build-up, not the way I was used to. I'd already been humming along pretty good, really, really enjoying my first fingering... but once he did that, I went from zero to orgasm in about five seconds flat! I squealed and yelled, trembled and kicked, easily the match of anything the girls next door were doing. I even started sobbing, these huge, heavy tears of joy pouring down my cheeks as Daddy made me cum, and cum, and cum, like it was never going to stop! Eventually I had no choice—I let go of Daddy's cock, grabbing tightly to his wrist, and he finally stopped and withdrew. I had no breath to speak, no energy to stop him, barely even enough to widen my eyes as I watched him bring his hand to his mouth, sucking the enormous creamy mess I'd just made off his fingers!

“Mmmm...” he moaned, smiling happily. “Delicious, baby!”

“Do me, Daddy!” I moaned, surprising myself, but once the words were out there I realized how much I meant them. “Please, Daddy, I want it so bad! I want it inside me!”

“Are you sure, baby?” he asked again, taking such good care of me. But he was licking his lips, staring at me like a morsel of meat, and I knew he wanted me every bit as much as I wanted him!

“Please, Daddy, please!” I whimpered, grabbing his cock again and trying to push it down into place, but we were laying much too closely for that to be possible. “I want you to do me, Daddy! I want you... I want you to fuck me, Daddy! I want you to fuck me!” I'd never, ever said that word in Daddy's presence before! But I just wanted it so much!

Daddy rolled me to my back... and I'll admit, I may have squeaked like a scared little mouse. He just looked so hungry, so predatory, as he stared down at me in the dim evening light! I instinctively lifted and spread my knees, or at least I tried to, until I was suddenly reminded I still had my panties around my thighs! Daddy sure took care of that in a hurry, yanking them straight off my legs and tossing them aside. I swear, if they'd been any harder to remove I think he would have torn them right apart! Finally I felt him notching himself into place, rubbing up and down against my tiny, wet little lips, making me moan with anticipation and need. I wanted him so much! But he was making me wait for it, pushing just a little then pulling back, over and over again. The little bit of my brain that was still capable of rational thought by that point understood; he was stretching me gradually, coaxing me into opening enough for him that he'd finally be able to slip inside without hurting me too much. But that didn't stop my body from reacting on its own, whimpering like a bitch in heat, rocking my hips to try to force him in before I was ready!

Thankfully, Daddy knew what he was doing better than I did. It still hurt some when he finally pushed himself inside, but only enough to make me wince a bit, not enough to make me worry he was actually injuring me or anything. And it got better really quick anyways, as he gently started moving himself back and forth, gradually working his way deeper. Then it got even better than better! It wasn't long before I was squealing and twitching my way through my first ever penetrative orgasm, and Daddy still hadn't even gotten himself all the way inside me, yet! By the time he finally managed it, stretching me open so wide and so deep, pressing himself firmly against my lips, I could barely even control my limbs anymore. That's when Daddy hooked his arms around the back of my knees, pinning my legs back as he really started giving it to me good and hard! I think I was saying things to him, telling him how much I loved him, and loved what he was doing to me, begging him never to stop... but I really can't be sure. My memory of that whole time is pretty fuzzy, honestly, except for how absolutely amazing he was making me feel!

“Do you want it your mouth, baby?” he asked, and I guess I must have looked as disoriented as I felt, because he had to ask again. “Do you want it in your mouth? Only, anywhere else is going to make a mess, and make you all sticky.” I didn't know much, right then, but I knew I didn't want that.

“Inside me, Daddy! Please!” I begged. “Do it inside me!”

“You're not on birth control, baby,” he objected, but I didn't care, vigorously shaking my head.

“Please, please do it inside me, Daddy!” I whimpered, clutching ineffectively at his ass, trying to hold him in place and keep him from pulling out. “I want it so bad! I want to feel your cum in me!”

“Oh, God, baby!” he groaned in denial, but he couldn't refuse me my wish. It was so hot, and there was so much of it! I came right along with him, screaming my pleasure out into the darkness at the top of my lungs, easily my best one of the night, my best orgasm ever, as that amazing, scalding geyser inundated my depths, the flood of Daddy's potent incestuous seed filling my unprotected, fertile teenage womb!

We laid there gasping, unable to move, every twitch sending cascades of unbearable pleasure ricocheting through us both. Daddy finally managed to recover enough strength and coordination to get his arms out from behind my knees, and to roll us over so he was on his back. I squeaked again, but since the change still left me deeply impaled on his cock as he was doing it, I wasn't about to complain. And especially not when his hands travelled to my butt, squeezing tight and holding me in place. I just purred a little, smiling happily as I snuggled into Daddy's hairy, sweaty chest. It was perfect! For a long time, it was perfect... until it wasn't.

“Baby... we have to talk,” he said eventually, his hands moving from my ass as he wrapped his arms around my back, stroking my sides.

“No we don't,” I denied with a shake of my head.

“Baby...” he tried again, but I cut him off.

“We don't have to talk, because I already know what you're going to say,” I told him. “But you're wrong, Daddy! This wasn't a mistake! I don't want to stop! I want to be with you now, always!”

“Baby... this was a really, really hard day, for both of us,” he tried to explain it away. “The grief of losing your mom...”

“That wasn't what this was about!” I angrily denied, though of course I knew it was, at least in part. “I love you, Daddy! Grief...” The words caught in my throat, the tears coming heavy and fast. “Maybe grief is what made this happen, tonight. But that doesn't mean what happened isn't real! I doesn't mean the way I feel about you isn't real! I needed you tonight, and you needed me, too. I'll always need you, Daddy! Please, please don't make us stop! I love you so much, and I know you love me too!”

“Of course I love you, sweetheart!” he cooed, squishing me tighter in his arms. “I love you more than anything! But this, what we did tonight... it was wrong, baby! So, so wrong! If your Mom was here to see this...”

“But she isn't, Daddy. She isn't,” I sobbed. “But I am, and you are! And Mom would want us to be happy, wouldn't she? Didn't I make you happy, Daddy?”

“So happy, baby! You always make me so, so happy! But doing it like this, what I did to you tonight...”

“What we did to each other, Daddy,” I sniffled, correcting him. “You didn't do this to me. I'm not your victim. I'm... I'm your lover, Daddy. If only you'll have me! If only you'll say yes!”

“Oh, baby...” he said sadly.

“Please, Daddy?” I whimpered. “Please? I'm literally begging you here, Daddy! Please... be with me? I'll be good, I promise! I'll take care of you just like Mom used to do, before she got sick! You'll see, Daddy! I promise I'll be good!”

“Sweetie, it isn't about being good... and it's not your job to take care of me,” he said, kissing my hair and rubbing my back. “It's my job to take care of you! Not the other way around! And what we did here tonight... that's not taking care of you, baby. Not even close!”

“But it could be, Daddy. I want it to be!” I cried. “I want us to love each other, and take care of each other, just like you and Mom always did. You need me, Daddy, I know you do, even if you don't know it yourself! You need someone to take care of you, too, just like you take care of me. I want that someone to be me, Daddy! No other girl could ever love you as good as I can! You'll see! And I know no other boy will ever love me the way you do! I just need a chance, Daddy. I need a chance to show it to you, to prove that we can make this work, if you'll only give me a chance! Please, Daddy?”

“God...” he moaned, slowly shaking his head. “This is a terrible idea, you do realize that? There is no way this turns out good in the end.”

“Does... does that mean you'll let me, Daddy?” I sniffled, trying not to let my hope run away with me before he confirmed it. “We can try?”

“There are going to be some ground rules, sweetie,” he said sternly. “First and foremost, no more crying to get what you want! That is totally unfair, I can't do anything to resist that, so no more!”

“Daddyyy!” I squealed, absolutely attacking him with a deep, frenetic kiss, my tears still tumbling quickly down my face onto his, my body not having caught up yet with my sudden change in emotions. That was also the point, thanks to my stretching up to his lips, where his softened cock was finally able to slip all the way out of me, making an audible 'plop' as a good amount of the cum it had been sealing up inside came rushing out as well. It was even enough to make me interrupt my kiss.

“I'm not sure I'm brave enough to look,” I admitted, giggling shyly.

“Oh, there's going to be a mess, all right,” Daddy confirmed with a laugh. “I won't say I'm still not conflicted about this whole idea... but you have no idea how much I needed this, tonight! Frankly, I'm surprised it hasn't come leaking out your ears!”

“I may have some idea, Daddy,” I smiled. “I'd never had it before, so I didn't even know what it was I needed, until you were giving it to me... but you aren't the only one who really needed this tonight!”

“Yeah... I guess maybe we both did,” he smiled too. “Still doesn't mean this isn't a terrible idea, though.”

“I don't care how terrible an idea it is, as long as we're doing it!” I replied. “I'm yours now, Daddy, and you're mine! With Mom gone, that means I've inherited you, now! No take-backs!”

“Inherited me, have you?” he chuckled. “I was listed in her will, was I?”

“If you weren't, you should have been,” I blushed, speaking softly and seriously. “You were obviously her most valuable and prized possession, after all. She'd want to know I was taking proper care of you.”

“Sweetie...” he smiled, obviously touched by what I'd said, maybe even a small tear in his eye. Assuming that wasn't still one of mine that had just fallen there, that is. I kissed him again, soft and slow, then snuggled back down into his chest. And a few seconds later, his hands mysteriously found their way right back down to my butt again, just where they belonged.

“You know...” I said, biting my lip and rubbing my cheek against his chest. “There's really no reason we still need to stick to our schedule for tomorrow. We don't have anything planned, for when we get back home. So if we decided we wanted to stay up late tonight, and sleep in tomorrow morning, there would be nothing stopping us.”

“Is that so?” he grinned, his hands starting to squeeze a bit more, making me giggle. “And just what might we be doing, staying up so late?”

“What do you think?” I asked, taking a light, playful bite of his nipple, making him moan. “I've only just had my first ever time having sex, you know! You've got years and years of experience ahead of me, and I need to catch up! Do you think... maybe you'd like to teach me what doggy-style is like, Daddy?”

“Tempting... very tempting indeed! I do love this gorgeous little butt of yours, and doggy-style is excellent for letting me stare and play!” he laughed, giving me a firm swat on my butt, making me squeal, then using his grip on me to yank me up his body and into range for a kiss. “But tonight, I think I'd like to watch your big, beautiful titties bouncing up and down while you're riding Daddy's cock, instead!”

“Yes, Daddy!” I squealed with excitement, stroking my hands through his hair as I kissed him back even harder. "Anything you say!"

We did get to sleep eventually, though even the threesome next door had long since given up and gone to bed by the time Daddy and I finally quieted down. Falling asleep with him was everything I ever could have wanted, with him cuddling close up behind me, his cock held lovingly between my wet, sticky thighs and his arm wrapped tightly around my chest, his hand possessively clutching my breast. Morning was welcomed appropriately, only with even more stickiness and enough light we could actually see our mess this time. A mixed blessing, that. Yes, it was gross... but I was also kind of bizarrely proud, like it was a mark of my accomplishments. Thankfully by the time we finally pried ourselves out of our room we were the last ones there, and we could clean ourselves off at the lake without traumatizing any children. The trip back home was uneventful, except we made it with Daddy holding my hand pretty much the whole way there. The happy butterflies in my stomach meant I hardly even noticed the weight of my pack!

I don't think we were more than two feet away from each other the whole rest of that day. When we finally came out from our much-needed shower together and collapsed exhausted into his and mom's bed—his and my bed, now!—I knew there was only one thing left I still had to say.

“Daddy?” I asked, turning to kiss his biceps as he snuggled closely up behind.

“Yes, baby?” he replied with a yawn, understandably sleepy after everything I'd asked him to do to me that day.

“Daddy... I don't want to get a morning after pill, or go on birth control, like you said,” I told him. “I want you to put your baby in me.” It took him long enough to respond that I was starting to get scared, but eventually he spoke.

“I want that too, baby,” he said, squeezing me tighter under his arm and kissing the back of my neck, his voice rough with emotion. “I want that too! Love you, baby!”

“Love you too, Daddy!” I said, barely able to contain my excitement, even as tired as I was. “Love you so, so much!”

Grief, loss, need... whatever you wanted to call it, I didn't care what had started Daddy's and my journey together, only what was keeping us together now. And that was love; pure, simple, and perfect, love. Well... maybe not so simple, I suppose, but love just the same. I knew what love was, from the way he and mom had raised me, and from what they had always been to each other. And as I placed my hand on my slender little belly, imagining the life that could be taking root in there even now... I knew our baby, Daddy's and mine, would be growing up knowing exactly the same.
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