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Melissa mixes business with pleasure in Delta Quadrant; Ryan goes on his first combat mission-will it also be his last?
Galactic Date 5123.504

“Those Zadons! I hate them so much! I can’t believe what they did to that girl!” Shannon fumes as she watches a news report about the raid on Xenon; even with 1400 boys dead, the main outrage for Xares’ female population is that the Zadons dared to temporarily incapacitate a single girl. “Kinda her own fault, babe…she shouldn’t have gotten involved…” Logan remarks with a shrug of his shoulders. “She was trying to save her brother!” Shannon exclaims indignantly. “Dude only took what he had coming to him…there was no way she was gonna save him anyhow…” Ryan interjects; both he and Logan are remarkably cold about the fate of their fellow teenage boy. “Maybe not, but they still didn’t have to zap her like that…and Courtney Starr had a real close call with them, too, just a couple of days ago…I hate them!” Shannon reiterates passionately. “Yeah, and the High Command really fucked up the response…they only sent 3 transports…they shoulda flooded the zone…threw more bodies at them…” Logan opines. “’Flooded the zone…? Threw more bodies at them…?’ Why…? So we could talk about even more dead humans today…?” an exasperated Shannon retorts. “I just wish our platoon was on-duty yesterday…if they sent us in, we woulda taken out those Zadon bastards!” Ryan exclaims. “What do you mean, ‘we’? It’s not like you would have gone into action…” Shannon replies scornfully. “Yo, actually, I would have…” Ryan replies, flashing a tentative grin with his braces. For a moment, Shannon looks at him in shocked silence. “Oh shit!” Logan mutters, bracing himself for the savage reaction that he knows is coming. “What does that mean…? You mean…did you…?” Shannon splutters, almost speechless with rage. “Yeah, I did! Remember the other night when I told you that I was sleeping over at Cody’s…? Well, I wasn’t!” Ryan replies, now flashing a tinsel grin from ear to ear as he reveals the late night tryst that’s made him combat eligible. “You dirty little sneak!” Shannon shouts. “Yo, Shan, the dude got some love…nothin’ wrong with that…” Logan interjects, trying to defend his young friend. “He lied to me! You looked me right in the eyes and you lied to me, Ryan!” she exclaims indignantly. “Yo, what was I supposed to say…? Hey, sis, I’m not coming home tonight because I’m gonna be banging some blonde chick with big tits…?” Ryan counters. “You lying little bastard!” Shannon shouts and then storms out of the room in a blind fury. Logan gives her a moment, then walks over to her bedroom door and softly knocks on it, but she angrily tells him to go away. The two boys leave the apartment to go hang out at Astron’s, giving Shannon time and space to cool off...

The massive new X-4000 transport takes off from the Operations Center in Alpha Quadrant on a test run to Epsilon, making the flight in 18 minutes. Capable of carrying 10 platoons of space troopers, it’s seemingly a vast improvement over the X-3000, which can only carry 2 platoons. The new craft has its critics in the High Command, though, and its major faults are glaringly obvious; it’s much slower and far less maneuverable than its agile predecessor. Several colonels point out that the X-3000 can make the Alpha to Epsilon flight in only 12 minutes and not a single X-3000 has been lost to the Zadons because of its ability to evade enemy fire; in contrast, the unwieldy X-4000 needs two pilots just to keep it under control inflight. Also skeptical are the Vizgarian military advisors who are aboard for the test flight; they offer the humans their more advanced reactor technology which will significantly boost the new transport’s speed. The Vizgarian offer is declined with thanks; it would take months to retool the X-4000 with new engines and the High Command is determined to rush the new model transport into full production. As for the dissenting colonels, they are quickly overruled; the Zadons have no antiaircraft weapons and Zadon battle drones quite simply don’t have the speed to intercept the hulking new transport or the firepower to take it down, so there are no realistic threats posed by enemy action. The X-4000 can feed greater numbers of teenage space troopers into combat and that’s all that matters...

“So, what do you guys look like behind those helmets, anyway? I mean, we know that you’re both redheads, but…” Taylor wonders out loud, as she and Brittany stand facing their space trooper escort in the Operations Center control room. “We’re never going to find out what they look like, Tay…their helmets are locked!” Brittany replies. “No, actually they’re not…we’re not on combat duty, so we don’t have to lock our helmets…” one of the troopers replies. “Well, c’mon, then! Take them off…let’s see what you guys look like!” Taylor exclaims. “Wait! You guys won’t get in trouble, will you…? Will we get in trouble…?” Brittany asks. “We’re really not supposed to take our helmets off…I mean I guess we can take them off for just a minute, but we can’t keep them off…” is the response from behind one of the mirrored face plates. “Do it! Do it quick before the captain shows up!” Taylor replies excitedly. The two troopers remove their helmets, revealing their sweat streaked, freckled faces and matted red hair; they both flash boyish, tinsel grins at the two lieutenants. “I’m Cody!” “And I’m Sean!” the two redheads introduce themselves in turn, as the blonde officers purr their approval. “What did I tell you, Britt…? A couple of cuties!” Taylor exclaims. “Mmmm…I know!” Brittany replies with a purr, locking eyes with Cody, who flashes another grin at her. Just then, they hear a commotion out in the hall. “Quick! Put your helmets back on!” Taylor orders them. Both boys comply just in time, seconds before the captain enters the control room…

Delta Quadrant

Holding her freshly purchased Saturnian latte in her hand, Melissa steps out of the Galactic Grind onto the crowded streets of Xenna, the capital of Delta Quadrant. In Delta on business, she’s overwhelmed by all the boisterous teenage boys swarming the town. So many redheads! she can’t help but notice. Dressed in a low cut blouse, tightfitting jeans and high heeled boots, the tall, beautiful blonde earns a lot of attention from the horny teens; catcalls and wolf whistles echo in her ears and she’s already been propositioned by 3 different boys on the walk from her hotel to the coffee shop, but it doesn’t bother her at all and in fact the 39 year old is pleased that she still attracts so much masculine attention. Striding down the street, she’s jostled by a teen exiting one of the crowded shops on the main street. “Yo, my bad…” the boy mutters, seemingly ready to hurry along on his way, but glancing up at the tall blonde he stops in his tracks. “Are you okay…?” he now asks. “Oh, yes, I’m fine…I didn’t even spill my coffee!” Melissa assures him; he’s yet another redhead and a super cute one and she can’t suppress a girlish giggle. “Awesome! I don’t know how hot that coffee is, but no way is it as hot as you are!” the teen now replies, prompting another giggle from Melissa. “That’s good! That’s way more creative than the other three guys who hit on me this morning…” she compliments him. “Yo, I’m Colby…” the boy now introduces himself, flashing his braces and holding out his hand. “And I’m Melissa…” the blonde replies, shaking hands with her new acquaintance. “I don’t really drink coffee, but maybe I can buy you one sometime…” he now offers. “Oh, I don’t know…I’m not from around here…I’m from Alpha and I’m only here on business for a few days…” Melissa explains. “I hope you’re gonna let me make it up to you somehow…I mean for running into you like that…” the teen now asks. “Oh, I really don’t know…” Melissa replies in a hesitant, wavering voice; she’s already starting to fall under the spell of the winsome redhead. “C’mon…just one quick cup of coffee…maybe tomorrow morning…?” the cute redheaded stud suggests in a coaxing tone. “Ummm…better yet…how about dinner tomorrow night…?” Melissa replies, boldly upping the ante. “Cool! You can just take me to Astron’s…I’m a cheap date!” the boy replies, flashing another grin with his braces. Melissa giggles girlishly in response; the statuesque blonde towers over the 5’6 teen, but he’s already completely won her over. They exchange pings and then Melissa hurries off to her first business meeting of the day…


326 space troopers killed in minor actions today.

Galactic Date 5124.504

Logan is jolted out of his sleep by the shrill sound of his ping piercing the darkness of Shannon’s bedroom. Letting out a deep groan, the naked stud rolls over and fumblingly reaches for the device on the nightstand. Reading the message with bleary eyes, he scrambles out of bed, his erect pecker throbbing, and starts searching for his clothes in the darkness. “What’s wrong…?” a groggy Shannon asks. “We’re being mobilized…” Logan answers briefly, getting into his jeans. “Mobilized…? With no notice…?” Shannon asks, sitting up in alarm and turning on the bedside lamp. “Yeah…must be some kind of emergency…” the stud replies, pulling on his t-shirt. “They’re raiding another village!” Shannon gasps in horror. “I don’t know, babe, but whatever’s going on, I need to get to the barracks…” the stud replies. Now fully dressed, he exits the bedroom; wrapping herself in a sheet, Shannon jumps out of bed and scampers after him. At the front door, they meet Ryan, already dressed and ready to report for duty. “You take care of yourself, kay…?” Shannon murmurs in a gentle voice to her brother, her anger of the previous day now forgotten. “I will, sis…” Ryan replies quietly. “I’ll look out for the dude, don’t worry…” Logan assures her. Ryan turns away in embarrassment as his sister exchanges a passionate kiss with her boyfriend; brother and sister then exchange a quick hug and the two boys make their hurried departure. Shannon’s mind races as she shuts the door behind them. They’re gone…and I’ll never see them again, she assures herself. She plops herself down onto the sofa, staring blankly into space and starts the long process of waiting…

The fleet of 10 X-3000 transports crunches down near the ruins of a long destroyed village in Grid A-251 and quickly starts disgorging its human cargo, including Logan, Ryan and the rest of their platoon. There are no Zadons there to greet the space troopers, but the site is strangely busy with utility bots tooling about among the debris. It’s unknown why they’re there or what they’re doing, but the teens eagerly and easily destroy the hated bots, blasting them to pieces with their laser rifles. With that task accomplished, they start to deploy for action. The rank and file troopers, the 14 and 15 year olds who make up the bulk of the force, deploy in tightly packed ranks in the rubble strewn village square. The corporals and sergeants, equipped with their rocket launchers and plentiful ammo, scatter and take up concealed positions in the blasted out buildings. The stage is now set and the waiting begins; instead of hurling themselves at the Zadons in densely packed assault waves, the space troopers are going to let the cyborgs come to them…

The teens won’t have long to wait. Recon missions have spotted a Zadon quad in Grid A-251 and it’s not just any quad; it’s the strike force of cyborgs that raided Xenon and slaughtered more than 1400 space troopers just two days ago. The plan is simple. The teens deployed in the village square are live bait, tempting morsels of fresh meat designed to lure the Zadons into ambush. Once the cyborgs attack, the concealed non-coms will unleash a hurricane of rocket fire at them; every conceivable angle and field of fire among the ruined buildings and labyrinth of back alleys is covered by a veteran 16 or 17 year old with his rocket launcher and the Zadons will be slammed with missiles no matter which way they turn. The human cost will be high; the Zadons will cut wide swaths through the teens deployed in the open spaces of the village square, but the potential payoff will be enormous. If all goes according to plan, the entire quad will be destroyed, or at the very least suffer crippling losses; even more important than the strategic reward is the prospect of getting revenge for the Xenon massacre. The trap has now been baited; there’s no way that the Zadons won’t retaliate for the destruction of their utility bots. There’s also no way that they’ll pass up the temptation to slaughter the hundreds of teenage space troopers standing there in the village square!

With his empty belly rumbling and marinating in his own sweat as the early morning sun beats down on his armor encased body, Ryan is too excited to be distracted by his physical discomfort. Among the first boys to disembark from the transports, he was so psyched for battle that it was a letdown not to immediately encounter any Zadons, but at least he had the thrill of blasting one of the utility bots, sharing the kill with a fellow 14 year old. Now he stands in the first rank, shoulder to shoulder with his fellow teens, waiting to hear the lumbering tread of the approaching cyborgs. The freckle faced redhead fully expects to die today, but the prospect doesn’t bother him at all; it actually gives him a strange thrill that he’s being used as bait to lure the Zadons to their destruction. Let them kill me! I don’t care! Look at all those dudes that they killed in Xenon…killed them in front of their girlfriends and their sisters and their moms…just as long as Logan and Sarge can destroy some of those fucking motherless bastards, that’s all I care about! he thinks to himself. Standing next to him is Cody and next to Cody is Sean; the three redheads will have the satisfaction of all perishing together. All of the assembled space troopers are excited by the prospect of imminent battle. They excitedly banter with each other as they stand in formation, engaging in the typical bawdy exchanges that adolescent boys indulge in; Ryan and his two older friends compare notes about Melissa’s talents in the bedroom. Suddenly, a low flying craft appears on the horizon and comes zipping in, straight at the massed ranks of teens. Completely defenseless in their dense formations, the boys brace themselves; if it’s a Zadon battle drone, they’ll be slaughtered by its shock wave cannons before they can even fire a shot at it. The drone zooms in even lower; the teens can hear their hearts pounding in their chests, but they don’t flinch, steeling themselves to take what they have coming to them. Suddenly, the drone banks sharply off to the left, executes a circle and then zips away at a high rate of speed. The boys heave a collective sigh of relief; it’s only a recon drone. Hundreds of gloved middle fingers held high in the air, accompanied by a chorus of taunting adolescent shouts bid the snooping craft a fond farewell as it recedes into the distance. The troopers’ excitement mounts; the drone has confirmed their presence and they can expect to hear and feel the ground rumbling beneath the advancing Zadons any minute now!

In the blasted out remains of one of the village’s buildings, Logan waits with increasing impatience. Unlike the younger troopers baking in the sun in the village square, the shattered skeleton of the building provides him with some shade, but he’s still sweating profusely in his tight fitting armor and with his 6 foot tall, long limbed frame compressed into a crouch for the past 2 hours, his muscles are starting to stiffen. He already has a round loaded in his rocket launcher; all he needs to do is lock it in and the launcher will be ready for firing. He’ll need nerves of steel to let the Zadons lumber past his concealed position, hoping that his thermal signature will be lost among the mass of human bodies assembled in the Grid; letting the cyborgs move past him, they’ll expose their vulnerable back panels so that he can get in a shot. He knows that he’ll only have one chance; once he reveals his position by taking out a Zadon, the surviving cyborgs will turn on him and return fire. Like Ryan, Logan expects to meet death today; the entire back alley that he’s covering will turn into a maelstrom of rocket and shock wave cannon fire as the veteran non-coms and the Zadons blast each other at point blank range. We’re all gonna die…me, Sarge…everybody…but if they shoot it out with us, hopefully we’ll save a lot of those younger dudes…I’ve had a good life…I’ve made it to 16…I’ve fucked a lot of chicks and made a lot of babies…I’ve even killed a Zadon! If I have to die just so Ryan can go home to Shan tonight, it’ll be worth it! the stud reassures himself. Where the fuck are they…? he silently wonders. They know that we’re here! C’mon, you bastards, come and get us!

“My dick is sore…” Sean states matter-of-factly, grimacing behind the opaque face plate of his helmet. “Dude, tell me about it…our dicks have been standing up almost as long as we have…” Cody replies, while Ryan just groans in agreement. The massed formation of space troopers have been standing on their feet, shoulder-to-shoulder, for the past eight hours and their peckers have been jolted into fresh erections by their neuron transmitters every half hour or so but still no Zadons have appeared. Heat and hunger are starting to take their toll; some of the brand new 14 year old recruits have fainted from heat exhaustion and Ryan is starting to feel lightheaded himself. The assembled space troopers are no longer eager for combat, they’re just exhausted. No further purpose can be served by remaining in place and the order finally comes over CommLink from the Operations Center; bring everybody home. Disengagement is dangerous; if the Zadons suddenly show up while the boys are boarding their transports, the slaughter will be frightful. Fortunately, the evacuation is carried out successfully, the transports lift off from the landing site and the operation is brought to a conclusion without a single casualty…

In the locker room back at the barracks in Xaron, the teenage troopers strip out of their armor; they’re tired, they’re famished and they stink, but they’re still alive. Even though they were all hoping to see battle, they’re glad to have another day to live, another night to hook up and fuck some chicks. Leaving their foul smelling armor and odiferous boots to air out overnight, the pungent teens troop off to the showers, continuing a lively discussion that started in the locker room about whether twentysomething, thirtysomething or fortysomething pussy tastes best. The boys divide themselves into factions and debate the issue with lascivious gusto; one thing that they all agree on is don’t waste your time eating teenage pussy…

Cody, Sean and Ryan shower together in one corner of the massive shower room, together with hundreds of other raucous teenage boys. As the trio of redheads lather up, Sean pops a boner and his pecker swells to its full, glorious extent of 8 bloated inches. “Yo, watch out with that baseball bat, dude!” Cody exclaims good naturedly. “Yo, dude, can’t control the beast!” Sean replies cheerfully; random boners are a way of life for teen boys and nobody’s embarrassed. Inevitably Ryan and Cody quickly follow their friend’s lead and pop erections of their own. “Yo, how’s Scarlett…?” Cody asks Sean as the jets of water pelt down on them. “You should know, dude…you fucked her!” Sean ripostes. “Yeah, I fucked her and now our dude Ryan needs to fuck her, too…” Cody replies. “She’ll just laugh at me…I don’t need that shit…” Ryan replies quietly. “Dude, you fucked Melissa…who cares if my goofy little sister laughs at you…?” Sean replies. “Yo, we all fucked Melissa!” Cody exclaims boastfully; all three upright teenage peckers have been buried in the gorgeous blonde MILF’s snatch. “Yo, Scarlett’s not gonna laugh at you…she’s crazy about you, dude…” Sean now reassures Ryan as the three friends step out of the shower and reach for their towels. “Yeah…I don’t know…I’ll think about it…” Ryan replies noncommittally. No longer awkward around his older friends, he can feel his self confidence growing; Sean is right…I fucked Melissa! he reflects proudly. That alone puts him and his 5 inch dick on the same level as his two bigger, more experienced friends…

Delta Quadrant

“Yo, I was wondering why I never saw you around here before…so you’re here on some kind of business trip…?” Colby asks Melissa as they have dinner at Astron’s that evening. “Yeah, I work for Galactic Armor Associates…we make all the space trooper armor…and helmets and boots, too!” the blonde replies proudly. “Cool! Yo, can you do something about the boots? They make my feet stink…I mean like real bad…” the teen asks. “I can pass that along to R&D…” the blonde replies with a giggle. “So, why did they send you to Delta…? Or is that Top Secret? Would you have to kill me if you told me…?” the teen asks in a bantering tone. “I just might have to! But seriously, I had to do a quality control inspection at our warehouse here in Delta…we’ve got lots of stuff stockpiled here…” the blonde replies. “Probably for all the dudes they mobilized for the offensive…” Colby muses out loud. “I don’t know…maybe. I’ve never seen so many redheads!” Melissa exclaims, looking out at the crowded hot spot; every couple seems to be a busty blonde MILF with a freckle faced teen boy and some lucky chicks have two or three randy redheads in tow. “Yeah, dudes they shipped in from Epsilon…you don’t wanna hook up with them, though…” Colby replies dismissively. “Why not…? Some of them are pretty cute…” Melissa replies teasingly. “Small dicks…Epsilon dudes all have small dicks…” the brash teenager replies, prompting the gorgeous blonde to laugh out loud…

Melissa’s red thong underwear is saturated with her love juices; she can’t wait any longer to get her freckle faced date back to her hotel room. “C’mon, baby…let’s go somewhere we can have some privacy…” she whispers in Colby’s ear; jumping up from her seat, she grabs the stud by the hand and leads him through the crowded burger joint. As they make their way toward the exit, Colby spots that obnoxious Epsilon redhead again, the one with the carrot colored hair and buck teeth. He’s in a booth with a gorgeous, twentysomething blonde, her d-cup boobs practically spilling out of her low cut blouse. That little bastard! He’s got game! Colby thinks admiringly. As he and Melissa pass carrottop’s table, Colby makes eye contact with his fellow redheaded stud and flashes him a thumbs up; the other teen may be obnoxious, but at least he’s spreading that ginger DNA around. Recognizing Amy’s boyfriend, carrottop returns the thumbs up and flashes a knowing smirk at his fellow redhead; they’re both getting blonde pussy tonight!

“You know, I usually don’t do this on a first date…” Melissa informs Colby, briefly taking his dick out of her mouth and gazing up at him with adoring blue eyes. “Yeah, I know you don’t…” the redheaded stud reassures her, as she lovingly sweeps her tongue up one side of his stiffened shaft and down the other. “Just think, baby…we would never have met if you hadn’t almost spilled coffee on me yesterday…” the blonde now reminds him, flashing her radiant smile. “…And I wouldn’t have almost spilled coffee on you if you weren’t here to inspect boots and armor…” the stud replies. “Yeah, this is one of my perks for being a business traveler!” the blonde giggles as she gets back to work, vigorously bobbing her head up and down on the stud’s yearning, throbbing 7 inch tool. Colby throws his head back and lets out a deep groan as the precum starts flowing steadily from his stiffened love wand…

“Wait…where are you from again…?” the big boobed blonde asks, gazing up with a befuddled look, the veiny alabaster penis throbbing in front of her face, its rigid shaft glistening with her drool. “Epsilon…I’m from Epsilon…” carrottop replies patiently. “Oh yeah, that’s right! You kinda have a funny accent!” the girl replies with a giggle, before taking the redheaded stud’s love tool down to the root in one gulp. Carrottop rolls his eyes; this is the tenth time he’s had to tell this chick that he’s from Epsilon, but it just goes in one ear and out the other. Candace (inevitably known as Candy to her friends) is 23, breathtakingly gorgeous with her d-cup jugs, but she has the IQ of a Xentile. There’s nothing wrong with her cocksucking skills, though, and carrottop groans with satisfaction as the drooling blonde throats his petrified 6 inch love worm, bobbing her head rhythmically, but suddenly she stops. Pulling her mouth off carrottop’s yearning pecker, she stares into space for a moment with a blank look on her face. “Wow! Epsilon…somebody told me that you guys don’t even have an Astron’s there…” she murmurs, looking up at the bucktooth stud in bewilderment. “No, we don’t…Epsilon sucks…and that’s what you should be doing!” the stud replies. The blonde bimbo giggles and puts her mouth back to work…

“Pussy’s so…fucking…good!” Colby gasps out between thrusts, as he tools Melissa’s love box with a rapid, proficient rhythm. “Oh, yeah, baby…fuck me!” the gorgeous blonde moan, reaching up with both hands and caressing the stud’s sweaty, freckled face. “Ya wanna…do…doggy…?” the stud now gasps, eager to switch to his favorite position. “I want to see your face, baby…I want to look into your eyes…” Melissa replies, gazing up into the stud’s green eyes as he continues his steady thrusting; feeling the pressure in his balls building steadily, Colby quickly reconciles himself to pounding the MILF to climax in mish; he throws a little extra force and speed into his hip lunges, his butt cheeks flexing with each piston-like thrust, as the beautiful blonde moans in ecstasy…

Grunting loudly, carrottop furiously hammers Candy doggstyle, pummeling her into one orgasm after another. The big boobed blonde is vocal and very high pitched, letting out loud, almost musical sounding yelps that make her sound like she’s yodeling. “This is…how we…fuck…in Epsilon…” the stud gasps breathlessly between thrusts. “Oh my gawd!” Candy yelps, hitting another high note that drowns out carrottop’s guttural grunting. The sweat pouring off of him, the bucktooth stud clenches his teeth, grips the airheaded blonde’s hips even tighter and pounds away with a vengeance, until finally, he can feel the first powerful twinges deep in his nuts…

Colby groans as his balls convulse forcefully and he starts spewing his man scum deep into Melissa’s well pounded love slot. At almost the same moment, carrottop throws his head back and lets out a triumphant orgasmic bellow as his nuts explode and his spurting tool flings his ball sludge deep into Candy’s babymaker. Both studs have endured relentless teasing for their red hair and freckles and carrottop has taken an extra dose of abuse for his buck teeth but this is their payback, every spurt of their convulsing tools hurling their redheaded DNA deep into blonde pussy. The fucking will continue into the early morning hours; for their second round, Melissa will get down on all fours and thrust out her gorgeous ass, offering herself up for a savage doggystyle hammering by Colby, before they revert back to mish for the rest of the night. As for carrottop, he’ll pound Candy until the early morning hours with so much ferocity that the big titted blonde airhead will find it difficult to walk for the next few days…


319 space troopers killed in minor actions today.

Galactic Date 5125.504

Every boy on Xares-27 is automatically enrolled in the space trooper force on his 14th birthday and is required to report to the nearest intake center within 30 days to be formally inducted. The overwhelming majority of boys eagerly comply, but there are exceptions, and these exceptions are created not by the teens themselves, but by some of their mothers. Most Xarian women are proud to send their sons into battle against the Zadons, but some are just a little too fond of their male offspring and don’t want to see them perish at the tender age of 14. If she has only one son or only one surviving son, a mother can petition the High Command to exempt him from service for 6 months. Once a month, review panels are convened to review these petitions…

Alpha Quadrant-Exemption Review Office

0800. The dingy, poorly lit hearing room seems especially dreary this morning. Sitting at the table at the front of the room are the 3 officers on the review panel; the chairperson, a blonde, big boobed 29 year old captain, is flanked by two lieutenants, an airheaded blonde and a sarcastic, sharp tongued redhead, both in their early 20s. Appearing before them are the female petitioners and their teenage sons. The panel is considering 26 exemption requests today and the first objective of the hearing is to make sure that the teens aren’t slackers who talked their mothers into filing the petitions to save them from combat. The panel starts off the proceedings by asking the boys as a group if they want to join the space troopers. The answer they get is a loud, raucous chorus of adolescent enthusiasm; this group of boys is eager to put on the black armor and go fight the Zadons. This is no surprise to the panel; almost invariably, they’re confronted with teens who can’t wait to get into combat and tearful mothers trying to hold them back. Now, the panel begins its real work, considering each petition, questioning each mom. The goal of the panel is to approve as few exemptions as possible; the war machine has a voracious appetite which must be glutted with an unlimited supply of fresh faced adolescent boys…

Case by case, the panel considers each petition. They hear the litany of typical lame excuses that they’ve heard hundreds of times before: “But Captain, he’s my only boy!” “I’ve already lost 5 sons to the Zadons…isn’t that enough?” “It’s only for 6 months…he’s so young!” One by one, the panel must grapple with each objection and show the distraught mother the error of her ways, explaining why it’s imperative for her to surrender her precious boy to the sharp, hungry jaws of war. It’s a long, slow, painstaking process, but the three officers make good progress in denying most of the petitions presented to them…

A busty redheaded mom has a unique problem; she’s trying to obtain exemptions for both of her twin sons. “You can only have one exemption…” the captain informs her. “Seriously…? You’re going to make me choose between my two boys…?” the woman asks in bewilderment. “C’mon, mom…we both wanna go…don’t split us up!” Johnny, one of the cute, heavily freckled teens pipes up. “Yeah, mom…we do everything together…we even have the same girlfriend!” his brother Jimmy agrees. The reference to sharing a girlfriend prompts snickering from the other teens in the room and earns a lascivious smirk from the redheaded lieutenant on the review panel. “I mean, it really wouldn’t be fair…one of them experiencing all the excitement of being a space trooper and the other one just sitting at home…” the captain points out to the mom. “Oh, I don’t think he’ll just be sitting at home, not with that girlfriend of theirs…but it sounds like she’s going to need more than just one guy to keep her happy!” the redheaded lieutenant observes. “Nobody’s going to be happy if one of them goes and the other one doesn’t…not you, not them and not their girlfriend, either…” the blonde lieutenant chimes in. “No, I guess you’re right…” the mother agrees reluctantly, starting to waver under all the pressure…

The blond 14 year old shifts uneasily in his seat as his mother pleads for an exemption for him. “Captain, the Zadons have already killed 6 of my sons…Bobby is the last one…can’t I keep him for just 6 more months…?” she pleads. “You’re just being selfish…we need big, strong men like him to fight the Zadons!” the captain replies. Bobby is tall for his age and strikingly handsome; he looks like a 16 or 17 year old and he’s too fine a specimen of adolescent manhood to leave sitting at home. “But he’s not even ready for combat…he’s still innocent…he’s a virgin!” she replies. “Not any more…remember when you caught me sneaking into the house at 5 in the morning? I was with your friend Charlotte…I was with her all night!” the teen interjects, flashing his braces in a naughty, dimpled grin; he makes eye contact with the redheaded lieutenant on the panel and she flashes him a thumbs up. “That whore! Do you even know how old she is, Bobby? She’s forty!” the shocked mom replies. “Yo, actually, she just turned forty-one…she said it was our patriotic duty, so we did it…” Bobby replies with a shrug. “I still don’t want him to go…you’ll just ship him off to Delta…young boys like him don’t stand a chance there!” the mother now protests. “If it makes you feel any better, the High Command called off the offensive in Delta Quadrant…there won’t be any action there for the rest of the year…” the captain replies, trying to reassure the distraught mother. “Yo, I don’t care…hold me back for 6 months…Charlotte said I could visit her any time I want to!” the teen interjects with a lascivious smirk. “You better stay away from that slut…just wait until I see her again!” the outraged mom exclaims. “There’s just one sure way to keep him away from her…” the redheaded lieutenant interjects, winking at the handsome blond teen…

The Review Board grudgingly grants a mere 5 exemptions; through their persistence, they manage to get 20 mothers to give up their boys, including the twin redheads and Bobby. The twin’s mom can’t bring herself to choose between them and Bobby’s mom finally admits the logic that the best way to keep him away from her slutty friend is to send him off to fight the Zadons. The eager recruits are ordered to report to the induction center next week, while the 5 dejected “momma’s boys” will have to wait until they’re 14 ½ to put on the black armor…

(to be continued...)
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