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This is the fourth part in a series following the quest of Taisha, a black dominant lesbian, to convert her former high school principal and now boss into her willingly submissive lover.
The young schoolteacher Taisha just left her nemesis Liz. Liz was an established teach who was out to sabotage Taisha's career and relationship with Principal Turner before it began. Fortunately, Liz slipped up and gave Taisha the ammunition to ruin her career if she chose. Instead she used the leverage to deliver her just desserts.

Taisha drove home from her encounter with Liz, feeling confident and completely satisfied, when the phone rang, it was Principle Maggie Turner the object of her desires for many years.

"Hello Principal Turner, what a surprise. I didn't expect to hear from you today. Change of plans?" She asked butterflies churning in her stomach.

"Things got a bit delayed today, so I thought I would give you a call while I had the chance." She said apprehensively.

"I'm glad you did. I've been thinking about you. Tomorrow seems so far away..."

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about," Maggie struggled for the right words.

She had been feeling tremendous guilt about their encounter, and though she so desperately wanted more, she had never been unfaithful to Sam. She even tried to rationalize, being with a woman was not cheating, since they had different equipment to work with.

This morning when she and Taisha looked other at each in front of Sam, knowingly plotting to be together, she felt the rush of excitement and lust that clouded her judgement. But as she thought about it later, she knew it was wrong.

Maggie continued. "Sam and I have been married for a long time and like any marriage there are..."

"You're having second thoughts?" Taisha interrupted.

"I'm not sure I would call them second thoughts, but maybe rational thoughts..."

Taisha's mind spun into action. She needed to handle this carefully or she could lose this opportunity. Her frustration was overwhelming. Sam clearly had not been faithful to Maggie and practically bragged about it, and his invitation to lunch surely had the intention of adding to his resume. She got an idea.

"I understand Principal Turner, I'm so sorry for misinterpreting signals. I never wanted to..." She sniffled and took a deep breath with a pause, hoping Maggie would respond.

"Oh, Taisha, none of this is your fault Sweetie." Taisha smiled and let Maggie speak. "It's my fault. Sam and I have been in a lull and I allowed myself to let the excitement of something new, cloud my judgement. Unfortunately, you've witnessed the two times that has happened in my life. What you witnessed almost happen with coach Johnson and now what I let happen with you."

Taisha felt a sudden lightness as she realized, Maggie was still within her grasp and all she had to do was let her talk herself back into it.

"I've never given thought to a..." She paused. "...relationship with a woman. But when a vibrant beautiful young lady that I have admired very much was interested in me that way, I just kind of lost control and I'm sorry. The newness and the butterflies in my stomach..."

"Principal Turner, please take a breath. I understand, I would never want to make you uncomfortable or pressure you to do anything. I am grateful for your friendship and mentorship and I am truly sorry for jeopardizing that. I will back off and..."

Maggie's heart fell into her stomach, she was shocked by the intensity of the sudden feeling of emptiness. "Taisha, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me."

"There's nothing to forgive. I'm sorry, for overstepping. Just please tell me I haven't damaged our personal or professional relationship. If I have, I'm sorry and I'll move out immediately and look for work in another school systems." Said Taisha, with a concerned tone.

She waited for the anticipated result and grinned confidently when it came.

"Oh, no Taisha, please don't even think that way!" Said Maggie, heart racing. "We want you to stay as long as you want. And I want you..." She felt herself pause too long looking for the right words. " part of our team. You are going to be an exceptional teacher; I can feel that."

Maggie couldn't help but replay Taisha's words to her after there last encounter, "There is so much more to teach you..." The accidental double entendre of her own words hit home.

"Please tell me you're not leaving. It would be too high a price to pay for my moments of weakness," said Maggie with desperation in her voice.

Taisha's confidence grew. She was sure she still had her, and she would confirm it tomorrow. For now, the hook.

"I'm not sure it would be right to take advantage of your kind heart. I've already fucked things up royally..."

Maggie was shocked by her words. Taisha never really swore and to hear it set her aback.

"Taisha, you haven't messed anything up Sweetheart. What happened, happened for many reasons, but we can get past it and move forward. You are a great teacher and you have so much to offer these kids. Please, stay with the school, there's a bright future for you here."

"Thank you, Principal Turner, I promise I won't let my feelings for you cloud my judgement again. But I'm not sure living in your RV is a good idea. I really feel like I've disrupted your household and I don't think..."

"Taisha please, our marriage has had its difficulties before you arrived, I assure you. Sam and I want you here and frankly, I'm glad to see that monstrosity in our driveway get some use. If my actions have made it too uncomfortable, I will understand if you want to find other options, but please don't leave the school."

"You haven't made me uncomfortable Principle Turner. Sam on the other hand." She laughed trying to lighten the mood.

Maggie was relieved Taisha could still laugh. "Well there is Sam." She giggled.

"Since you are delayed will you be able to come home for lunch?" Asked Taisha. "You did hear he invited me for burgers?"

"Yes, I did. Unfortunately, I won't. But don't let him scare you off."

"I told you, I can handle Sam. Don't worry. So, we're OK?" Asked Taisha sweetly.

"Yes," said Maggie confidently.

"Can I make you breakfast in the morning?" Asked Taisha knowing Maggie had to say yes after this conversation.

"Sure," answered Maggie quickly, wanting to make sure Taisha knew things would not be uncomfortable.

"In the RV after your swim?"

"Sounds great," said Maggie a bit too happily.

"I'll be ready. If you don't mind, knock on the door before your swim. Then I'll start breakfast, so it's ready when you're done."

"Ok, see you tomorrow." Maggie hung up shocked at the sense of loss she felt. But she had to live with herself and Sam deserved better.

Taisha's confidence waivered a bit after the call, but she felt principal Turner would eventually succumb. She could not imagine her walking away after their previous two encounters. Lunch with Sam could be an opportunity to remove her guilt. She sensed Sam was ready to risk it all for a trip to "Africa". If she could show Maggie Sam was not exactly faithful, she could seal the deal.

Right on que she received a text from Sam.

Sam: Still on for Lunch?

Taisha: Definitely

Sam: Glad to hear it. I'm hungry already. You?

Taisha: Hungrier by the minute.

Sam: I'll fire up the grill. We can eat at 11:30 if you like.

Taisha: That would be great, I have some errands to run before dinner.

Two minutes later, Sam stepped onto the patio looking anxiously at the RV. She stayed out of sight and made some adjustments to her outfit as he lit the grill. Last time she wore this outfit his eyeballs nearly popped out of his head.

She wore powder blue yoga pants with a large black, grey and white flower pattern. There was a seem down the center of her ass that drew the pants into her ass crack, showing off her shape beautifully. She had a skintight white crop tank top that cut low in the front and had an open oval pattern in the middle of her back. Today she removed the bra so her dark nipples showed through the thin stretched fabric. He could not stop staring with the bra on. She could hardly wait to see his expression this time.

Taisha combed her hair out straight and left in hang over the front of her shoulders. He had asked her to touch it at their dinner, so she wanted to see if he would dare ask again. Contrasted against the bright white tank it was hard to miss. Her hair hung down about halfway between her shoulders and breasts.

Next, she put on perfume and lip gloss, to maximize her impact. And then she waited. staying out of sight. Anticipation was a powerful thing.

Sam lingered by the grill looking toward the RV thinking about the dinner they had the night Maggie worked. The questions she let him ask about black women and the frankness of her answers erased all doubt. She clearly wanted him as much as he wanted her.

With no sign of movement, he stepped toward the RV meaning to knock, but thought better of it. So, he went back in the house and got the Burgers. He put them on the grill and lingered looking for a sign of movement. After a moment he went back in and put the macaroni in the water for Mac and Cheese.

Taisha waited until the burgers were done and he took them into the house. Then she looked at her watch. It was 11:25. At 11:30 on the nose, she concealed a USB recording audio recorder between her breasts and went to the patio slider.

Sam's eyes lit up when he saw "the outfit" again. When she stepped inside, he saw her bright smile until his eyes locked on her black areola peeking through the skintight white top. He was powerless to look away, as her stiff nipples wanted to burst through the fabric.

He imagined gently gripping her full naked breasts and kissing them, teasing her nipples with his tongue. Sam had no sense of time, his eyes moved from nipples to bare stomach to crotch all exciting him tremendously. He could feel his shorts tighten as he stiffened and quickly stepped behind the kitchen island to adjust his boner.

"Wow Mr. Turner, are you happy to see me?" She asked smiling.

"You could say that," he replied, trying to play it cool.

She looked at the dining table set up nicely with salads the burgers and all the toppings. Also, on the table was the carving of Ishu she had given him.

It was a carving in mahogany of a black man in a tall pointed hat. He sat knees to his chest and hands on his knees, with big eyes and a bigger smile. His face was stretched, and his cheekbones were huge, in line with the angle of his hat. The carving was tall round and skinny, very phallic in appearance.

She told him Ishu was the God of virility, when in fact he was the trickster God, who wreaks havoc in the relationships of man.

She looked at the spread of food. "Impressive Mr. Turner, thank you."

"Thank you for joining me Taisha, so much better than eating alone. " He said as he grabbed some wine from the fridge."

"Mr. Turner are you trying to get me drunk before noon? Thanks, but I'll just have some water."

Sam was embarrassed but poured himself some wine after getting her water. He sat down and did his best not to stare but the peeping areolae were hypnotic. He felt like Chevy Chase at the lingerie counter in Christmas Vacation.

"You and Principal Turner have been too kind to me. I don't think I could ever repay you," said Taisha with a bit of damsel in distress in her voice.

"It's our pleasure Taisha, you've been a breath of fresh air for us." He breathed in deeply sensing her perfume. "It's so good to see the RV getting some use."

"It's amazing! I feel like I'm living a life of luxury. It's the nicest place I've ever lived." She looked him in the eye and took a bite of her burger.

Sam thought to himself that she's even sexy when eating. As she sat the burger down, his eyes were drawn back the the screaming nipples struggling to break free. He couldn't help thinking of freeing them.

"Did I dribble some ketchup or something?" She looked down brushing her hand on her tits.

Sam turned bright red. "I'm sorry. I feel like such a letch. That top!'

Taisha blushed. "You are a bad boy Mr. Turner. Married men shouldn't..."

"I never promised not to look. Besides, Maggie is a highly driven career woman and she understands that our needs aren't the same outside of work." He once again found himself in a corner and stopped talking.

"So, you two have an understanding?" She smiled and batted her eyes.

"You could say that. It's complicated, but sex is not as important to her, so there are compromises."

"Compromises?" She asked with a smirk. "So flirting and racy conversation is ok?"

"Absolutely," he said as his mind went back to their previous discussion about black women's likes and dislikes.

His cock throbbed when he recalled her talking about anal. He so desperately wanted to fuck her beautiful round ass. He just needed to close this deal and his black woman fantasy would be fulfilled.

"What else is ok Mr. Turner?" She gave a mischievous smile.

"Anything you want Taisha." He looked at her confidently.

She leaned back in her seat and looked at him seductively. "You haven't even touched your food Mr. Turner. You're gonna wanna keep your strength up."

He realized she was right. He hadn't even taken a bite. He downed the wine and began to devour the burger. To his surprise she got up and walked to the kitchen counter. He watched her ass flex in the yoga pants fantasizing about sliding his cock between those buns.

She grabbed the wine bottle and walked toward him. Then she stood behind him, leaned over and filled his glass. "Here you go," she said, her breath tickling his neck.

"Thank you, Taisha," he turned his head toward her and she backed away.

Taisha notice the tent in his khaki shorts and smiled as she carried the wine bottle around the table with her. For the rest of lunch, she kept his glass filled until the bottle was empty.

When they finished lunch, he wanted to continue the conversation, amongst other things. "Would you like some ice cream for dessert?"

"I really couldn't. I am stuffed, thank you though." she smiled and noticed him staring at her tits.

Taisha slid her chair back, leaned back and his eyes followed. Then she stood to take her dishes to the sink and when she did, she saw his eyes fixed on her ass. He quickly followed and stood dangerously close as she put them in the sink.

"Your perfume..." He said softly

She turned to face him. "It's Reb'l, do you like it?"

He looked at her dark eyes and shimmering full lips, "Very much."

Sam simultaneously touched her hair and leaned in to kiss those lips. Taisha hesitated just one second and masterfully spun her body and stepped away just before their lips touched.

"Mr. Turner, I think you are trying to torture me, aren't you?" She asked walking back to her seat at the table. "You know with my trip to Africa and the new job; I have not had time to attend to a personal life. You also know I could not do this to Principal Turner regardless of any "understanding" you may have. So, why do you tease me?"

"Taisha, I'm sorry, it's just, you're so beautiful and smart and... I can't stop thinking about our conversation that night at dinner. I've never been with an African woman and curiosity has gotten the better of me." He stopped, once again at a loss for words.

"It cannot happen, no matter how much we want... I should go, I have errands..." She said feigning desperation.

Sam sensed he was wearing her down and needed to come up with a way to take it to the next level with the long-term goal, of course, to fuck that amazing ass. He had to have it. "There are ways of exploring fantasies without physical contact." He said grinning.

Taisha looked at him contemplating. "You're video chat idea again. That would still be taking it too far, I can't do that..."

"How 'bout a phone call?" He countered. His excitement grew as she considered it.

Tasha grinned, recalling her witness of Liz with Michael. "Phone fucking" Michael called it. "Phone sex? I've never done that. My college roommate did it with her boyfriend..."

"I've never done it before either. It's naughty yes, but not really cheating. No touching and you don't even see each other." He said sheepishly.

Taisha laughed inside knowing she had him right where she wanted him. "Sam, we shouldn't." She looked at him hungrily and bit her bottom lip.

Sam was like a desperate little puppy starving for momma's milk.

"I'm so revved up I can't think straight. Can we try it right now? Suddenly, I'm in the mood for some dessert and I think your idea could really hit the spot." Said Taisha eagerly.

"Yes, yes, yes." he said practically panting. He stood up and realized his boner was front and center

Taisha got an idea and reached for the carving. "Can I have that for a minute please?" He handed it to her, and she headed to the restroom. "I'll be right back."

He watched her ass bounce gently in the yoga pants as she walked away. He imagined peeling off those pants and sliding his cock between those cheeks.

Taisha entered the bathroom and pulled the yoga pants down over her ass, put the hat of the trickster god under the faucet to wet it. Then she rubbed it up and down against her asshole turning it as she rubbed to coat all of it. When she finished, she thought about it and slowly pushed the hat into her asshole, rotating it slowly. She pushed until it hurt, backed it out a little and pushed a little further each time.

Then she composed herself and returned to the table. Taisha set the statue on the table but did not sit back down. She looked at Sam hungrily and gave him his orders. "I want you to do exactly as I tell you to do, Sam. Agreed?"

Looking in those deep brown eyes he could not say no. "Okay."

She leaned down and whispered in his ear. "I just had this inside me, Sam. I want you to take it up to your bedroom, remove all your clothes, lay on the bed and we can talk. I will do the same and I want you to call me in five minutes. Understood?"

"Yes!" he said enthusiastically.

Taisha headed for the slider. "Hurry Sam, I need attention."

She arrived in the RV bedroom and confirmed the blinds were closed. Then peeked through the edge of the blinds and saw what looked like Sam's shadow move by the window. Next, she turned a light on so he could see she made it to the bedroom. Taisha took a seat in the kitchen waited. When the call came, she put it on speaker and recorded it.

"Hi, Sam. Are you ready?"

"Oh boy, am I ready," he replied.

"Thank you again for all you've done for me. I am forever in your debt, Mr. Turner. I am happy to do whatever it takes to show my gratitude." She hesitated a moment.

"Are you sure you want to do this Sam?" She asked shyly.

"Yes, and so much more," He was breathing heavily.

"Tell me what you're wearing, Mr. Turner?"

"I am wearing absolutely nothing, Taisha. And you?"

"I am naked for you, as agreed. Are you still hard, Mr. Turner?"

"Very hard, Ms. Smith, very hard." He sighed.

"Tell me what you have in mind Mr. Turner? Put your gift to your nose and smell me as you talk to get the full sensation." She grinned as she sat fully dressed and listened to him breath in deeply. "Do you like that. Mr. Turner?"

"Uh huh," he moaned as he held the carving to his nose breathing her scent.

"Are you touching your big stiff dick?"

"Uh huh," he whimpered.

"Tell me what you're doing to me, Mr. Turner," she said panting for effect.

"I'm splitting those sweet pussy lips with my tongue,"

Sam had a grip on his cock stroking it slowly, already feeling on the verge, while Taisha was thinking, wow, no foreplay, just dive right in.

"Oh, my goodness that feels good, Mr. Turner. Ooooohhhhhhh," she said in her best porn star voice. She began to get loud and breathed heavily. "Oh yes! Oh yes! Mr. Turner! Yyyyeeesssss, you're gonna make me cum!"

He began to grunt and gasp as his orgasm approached in record time. "You Make me so fucking hard Taisha, uh!"

"Put your gift in your mouth and taste me, Mr. Turner. Oh yes, it feels so good!" she continued. "Can you taste me?"

"Mmmmphhh Mmpphh!" he grunted; mouth full. "Uh! AH! Umming!"

Sam imagined her strong thighs gripping his head as she sat on his face fucking his tongue. He had been stiff since she walked through that slider and his orgasm hit hard. His body shook as his giant load of hot spunk shot onto his belly and chest. He came knowing that beautiful young African queen was making herself cum along with him while she imagined his tongue inside her hot wet pussy.

"Oh, Mr. Turner, I'm cumming, Ooooooohhhhhh! Ooooooohhhhhh! Ooooooohhhhhh! " she squealed.

"Cum my Queen, oh yes cum with me." He grunted as his balls unloaded.

They panted together; Taisha smiled knowing she had all she needed from Sam.

She quickly excused herself. "That was incredible," she said breathlessly. "I've gotta go take a shower now. Will we need to do this again?"

"Yes, please Taisha, I've been thinking about our conversation at dinner and that beautiful ass of yours..."

"I'm not sure I could take that stiff dick in my ass Mr. Turner, but if you insist, I'll try. You've been so nice, and I owe you so much." She said trying not to laugh.

"I'll get you good and loose with my tongue first my Queen." He sounded like kid in a candy store.

"You like it nasty, don't you?" she said, trying to use a seductive voice.

"I like it anyway with you Taisha..."

She cut him off. "I really need to go clean up Sam. We'll talk soon."

After hanging up, she sat back in the chair laughing and contemplated where she could take this. She knew just the person to handle the Sam situation and had already formulated a plan.

Soon her mind wondered back to Maggie. This recording was more than enough to quell any guilt Maggie might feel for Sam. She sat quietly imagining her time with Maggie tomorrow. Her excitement level grew as she fantasized, and she found herself quite wet again. She would definitely need to pay Lizzy a visit later.

After sufficient time had passed Taisha changed clothes to make it appear she had showered. Then she headed out to do some shopping for tomorrow's first training session. She managed to get out without encountering Sam and smiled as she drove off. She had on a light-yellow sun dress thinking ahead to her visit with Lizzy later this evening. It would give her cunt licker easy access.

Taisha returned home around 6:00PM and was happy to see Sam's car gone. He must have left for his poker night with the boys. Principal Turner had not yet returned but this was not surprising. She was working all day with dinner meetings to follow.

She made herself dinner and laid out her items for tomorrow after dinner she tried to contain her thoughts, but her mind raced at the thought of alone time with Principal Maggie Turner. She occupied herself cleaning and making sure she had everything ready for their breakfast together.

When she finally satisfied her mind for the 9th or 10th time everything was ready, she got the text she had been waiting for from Liz.

Liz: To do list complete, broken off with Michael, Tony's gone and I'm ready for you.

After the message was a link. Taisha's heart raced as she clicked on it. Lizzy wasted no time, it began with a side view of the table with Tony sitting at the end.

Lizzy in a tight little black dress that highlighted her petite body. She stood next to him and slid his dishes out of the way.

Next, she stepped over his knees, straddled him and rested herself on him. Her black dress rode up high on her thighs. Liz kissed him slowly and passionately.

"Sorry I had to run you off this morning, but my friend was really in need," She said as she held his head in her hands looking in his eyes. "Thank you for being so considerate."

Tony suppressed the urge to laugh. He was more than happy to have the day to himself and not have to deal with bitch drama. But he was liking where this was going.

"She was having some real issues and I was able to give her what she needed to get through it, so thank you." She kissed him again, tongue probing.

"I want to make it up to you Tony, are you ready for dessert?" She said thrusting her tongue in his mouth. He moaned and nodded.

After a moment, she broke the kiss, stood up, placed her palms on the edge of the table and slid her ass onto the table. Next, she spread her legs and put her feet on the arms of his chair. His eyes widened as he stared between her legs.

"I've got a creamy hot juicy desert for you sweetie." As she spoke, she brought her bare heels to the table and spread her knees wider.

"You can run me off anytime if this is the reward." He stared longingly at the prize before him.

Showing remarkable dexterity, Liz pushed her heels onto the table raising her pelvis so she could pull her skirt up above her belly button. She was panty less, which explained Tony's bulging eyes. Taisha smiled as this gave a view of her sandy brown muff.

Liz leaned back propped up on her elbows as she looked at him smiling. Then she gripped Tony's hair and guided him to her waiting pussy. His tongue extended and disappeared behind her thigh.

Taisha wished she could be there to see it all in person, but the fact Lizzy had followed her instructions made her feel incredibly powerful and wetter by the minute.

Liz groaned as Tony's tongue split her wet pussy lips and wiggled inside her. Then she looked toward the camera. "That feels so good. I've been thinking of you all day. I'm so glad you are letting me earn your forgiveness, I don't deserve... Oh, God, ess..."

Taisha smiled as Liz talked to her while her fiancé tongued to tight little pussy.

Tony lapped at her pussy; in disbelief she was so revved up. He had begun to believe she no longer enjoyed sex at all, but if this is how she acted when she felt guilty, he would do his best to make her feel guilty every day. He loved the new level of excitement she was reaching. He could not recall her yelling out during sex before. She would usually just close her eyes moan and squeak hugging him tight.

As he lapped up her warm juices, he was amazed how animated she was. She pulled his head against her pussy and gyrated her hips. She never seemed very interested in oral sex before and never let him bring her to orgasm. She would pull him off and take his cock insider her to finish.

"Oh God, ess," she yelled. "You make me cum harder than any man ever has."

Tony licked faster feeling inspired by her words. He was not sure what got into her, but he was loving it. For the first time, he wondered how many men she was with before him. That thought quickly faded as a new wave of her sweet pussy juices flooding his tongue. The way she was humping his face he was beginning to think she was gonna let him get her off orally.

He slid two fingers into her vagina while he licked up and down teasing her clit with his tongue. "Oh God, ess! You do more with your fingers than any man's cock ever did to me."

She was vocal about what she liked for the first time and he was rock hard.

Normally if she mentioned other men, he would be upset but hearing her yelling out that he was the best excited him wildly.

Taisha was getting hotter, watching Lizzy talk to her while she used her fiancé's face as a fuck toy. She would watch every second of the video, but regardless of the outcome, Liz had already proved herself worthy of being her cunt licker and she would definitely be using her again tonight.

Tony suddenly worried if he did get her off this way there was no chance he could last long enough to make her cum again when he fucked her, so he thought he would see if she wanted to finish as she normally did. He took a breath and raised his head, but she shoved him back against her. He took her que and continued eating her tender pussy while he fingered her faster.

"Oh God, ess, please don't stop," she pleaded grinding herself against him.

He continued eagerly, amazed by the effect he had on her and feeling like superman as she begged for more.

Liz imagined Taisha's face buried in her steaming cunt. "Oh God, ess! Oh God, ess! Oh God, ess!" She groaned faster and faster as her orgasm built.

Tony nodded and moaned as he could feel her climax building. He could not help but grin a little as the horny little bitch was so overwhelmed, she couldn't even talk. Yes sounded like es as she yelled with pleasure.

"Oh God, ess! Oh God, ess! Oh God, ess! I'm cumming for you Tah, eee, God, ess!" Liz stop herself from screaming Taisha's name as she came. "Oh God, ess! Oh God, ess! Oh God, ess!"

Liz held Tony's head as her upper body jerked wildly with the strongest orgasm she had ever had with him. She panted and smiled at the camera as she slid his head up and down her pussy, letting him lap up her juices.

"So Good Honey," she sighed. Then she pulled his hair lifting his head to look at her. "I want you to fuck me Tony. Right here, right now!"

Tony had never seen such a hungry look on her face. He stood up and placed her calves on his biceps looking down at her spread pussy. Next, he pulled out his throbbing cock and pressed it to her steaming labia.

Liz closed her eyes and rolled her head toward the camera. "My pussy's been on fire for you all day. Please make me cum for you again, I need you so bad."

Tony had never felt so powerful; his fiancé, laying before him begging for it was a new and exciting dimension to their relationship. He slid his raging boner slowly into her tight little pussy watching her writhe from pleasure. Her eyes were closed, back arched and she pushed back against his probing hardon.

Liz could not recall him feeling this hot and hard inside her before. "That's it, all the way in. Fuck me hard!" She barked.

He slid out to the tip and back in to the hilt using his full six inches as he increased his pace. He tried to think of anything he could to prevent cumming immediately.

"Harder! Oh God, ess. I wanna cum for you. Please make me cum! Fuck me harder." Her pitch got higher and higher.

He grunted and pounded his balls against her firm little ass. "Oh fuck Liz, feels so good! I'm gonna ah! Ah! Ah!"

"Fuck me Tony, don't you stop!" She shrieked sensing he was gonna blow.

He pounded her like a jack hammer as he released his spunk inside her.

"Don't stop! Make me cum!" She commanded, fearing he would stop, plop down in the chair and pass out as soon as he got his.

Tony panted and began to sweat as he kept his hips moving as fast and hard as he could. He needed her to cum before... He was softening but kept pounding."

"Oh God, ess! I'm gonna cum for you!" She squeaked pushing her fists on the table.

Her words gave Tony a second wind and he continued fucking her hard, his cum oozing from her onto the table.

"I'm cumming for you!" her eyes opened briefly, looking at the camera. "Oh God, ess I'm cumming for you! Aaaaaahhhhhhh!"

Tony was at his limit and when he sensed she had reached orgasm, he immediately slowed panting and gasping for air.

Though she did cum, she wished he could have kept it up as she hoped to ride the climax a bit longer. As she lay there panting, she heard Tony Giggle.

"What?" She asked laughing as well.

"Not sure what got into you today but Wow! That was incredible. I've never made someone lose the ability to pronounce the letter y before. Oh God es!" He laughed, helping her to her feet.

"You have quite the effect on me, what can I say?" She replied looking toward the camera. "Today has been an awakening for me."

"I like it!" he said pushing himself back in his pants. He pulled her close, kissed her and squeezed her ass. "Commando, Daddy like!'

The video ended. Taisha was surprised how warm her lady parts were watching it. Lizzy's awakening was remarkable. She seemed to embrace her new role completely.

It was 8:15PM and she saw no point it is waiting any longer. She texted Liz.

Taisha: Well done Lizzy. On my way.

Liz: Thank you, I'll be waiting.

Taisha: I want you wearing only your white panties and have your toys ready.

Liz: Thank you. I'll be ready for you.

Liz felt like a schoolgirl that just had her first kiss. Her heart raced as she paced the living room. She had quickly jettisoned the black dress and adjusted her panties in the mirror. She felt so sexy looking at herself.

Then she remembered Taisha wanted the toys and ran to the bedroom to get them. She scanned the living room for a place to put them and decided she would put them on the dining-room table. It seemed like the proper place.

When she opened the door for Taisha she was in awe. Taisha wore a light-yellow string tank sun dress that highlighted her nearly naked shoulders and cut low exposing the top of her breasts. The yellow against her dark glistening skin seemed to highlight her beauty.

She had no lip stick which made her dark pink full lips seem even more kissable. Her hair was pulled back tight in a ponytail and her face seemed bigger and brighter. The smile on her face seemed to reverberate through Liz's whole body.

"You've been a very good cunt licker today Lizzy," she said looking her up and down.

Then she held up her hand pointing to the floor circling her hand for Liz to turn around. Liz did as commanded and spun, around despite the fact the front door was open.

"I do love your cute little ass in a white thong. Thank you, Lizzy. Are you going to invite me in or are you gonna crawl up this dress and suck my pussy on your front porch?" Taisha smiled naughtily.

Something about the image Taisha just planted in her mind made her tingle. "Please come in My Goddess."

"Thank you, Lizzy." Taisha stepped in and closed the door behind her. "I Would like you to drop to your knees, crawl up under my dress now Lizzy."

Liz did as commanded as she felt the heat between her legs turn up immediately.

Taisha leaned back against the door to brace herself and spread her legs wide while Liz's hands began sliding up her legs and under the knee length ruffled sun dress. Her hands moved up to Taisha's hips and she was pleasantly surprised she did not feel any panties.

Her hands slid over Taisha's naked ass marveling at the smooth firm feel. A wave of tingling pleasure pulsed through her veins as her breathing and heart rate increased. She looked up at Taisha trembling. "Can I please taste your pussy My Goddess?"

"Yes you may Lizzy. Thank you for asking. First tell me what you are Lizzy," she said matter of factly.

"I'm your cunt Licker, My Goddess." She said lifting the skirt and leaning in. "I've been thinking about this all day." She inhaled as the skirt settled over her head. "You smell so good..."

Taisha's eyes closed as Liz's tongue separated her engorged Labia. "Oh, that's it Lizzy you're so warm. Oh, such a good, cunt licker." She pressed her palms against the wall and slid her feet a little further apart.

Liz moaned and nodded her approval as her tongue pressed into Taisha's warm tight vagina. The tangy sweet flavor flooded her tongue sending a rush of wetness into her own pussy. She whimpered and panted her excitement.

"Ooh Honey, you really like that don't you?" Taisha exhaled heavily.

Liz whimpered and nodded.

"Better than fucking your fiancé? Oh, Lizzy that's, that's it Honey, oh!" Panted Taisha

Liz whimpered and nodded moving her tongue faster and harder. She loved the feel of Taisha's soft bush on her nose. She lapped and probed and wiggled her head.

"Oh, Lizzy, keep that up and you're gonna get, Oh! A sweet treat, Oh fuck, Sweetie!"

Liz could sense Taisha's pending orgasm and felt a rush of warm juices coating her tongue. She could feel Taisha's upper body Jerk as her climax hit.

"Oh Liz, zy! AH!" Taisha jerked and continued with a rhythmic chain of spastic twitches in time with her grunts. "Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Liz felt in complete command. This powerful African Goddess was paralyzed and completely under control with just the use of her tongue. Her pussy tingled in time with Taisha's orgasmic jerks.

She clung to Taisha's powerful buns feeling them clench and relax as she spasmed. Taisha's pleasure sent pulses through Liz's body to the point she felt she would spontaneously cum in her panties. Warm creamy cum flooded her face and tongue as she gripped her ass, pulled and ground her face harder against her hot pussy lips.

"Oh fuck Lizzy!" Screeched Taisha as she spun and pulled away from Liz's relentless tongue. "Oh my God, you are..." She panted and leaned on the wall as she gathered herself. "... a natural Sweetie. Stand up here Lizzy"

Liz followed orders and stood up. She looked up at Taisha's panting flustered face with a grin.

Taisha, saw her cum coated face and leaned in with a lick and tongue probing kiss. As she kissed her and tasted her own cum, she slid her hand down Liz's tummy to feel how wet her little pussy was. Her fingers slid under Liz's waste band to discover It was steaming hot and soaking wet.

Liz gasped and nearly came on contact as Taisha's middle finger slid between her labia. "Huh! Auh!" Gasped Liz unable to speak. She put her head on Taisha's shoulder and clung to her neck.

Taisha notice the toys on the table and smiled. "Lizzy Honey, are you gonna cum already sweetie?" Asked Taisha sweetly.

Liz nodded and whined, causing Taisha to stop. Then she whispered as she grabbed Liz's thighs and picked her up. "Not yet Lizzy." Taisha carried her like a mom with an oversized child, with Liz's thighs around her waist and arms around her neck. "I want you to show me how you use your toys. We're gonna make another little video. I see your phone on the table too. Excellent."

She sat Liz on the end of the dining room table again. "Pick a toy Lizzy," said Taisha as she picked up the phone. "What's your passcode Lizzy?" She smiled at Liz calmly. Liz told her without hesitating.

"You take instruction so well Lizzy, thank you." She gave her a kiss with a swirl of the tongue and then stepped back holding the phone up.

Liz had grabbed the first toy her hand came to. It was the large vibrating massager ball.

"Oh, my that looks like a good one Lizzy. Ok, here's how this movie's gonna go. Let's pretend you are making an audition tape to be my cunt licker. For the video, you will refer to me as Taisha, Ok?" Liz nodded. "We haven't yet been intimate, and you are trying to convince me you're sorry for treating me like shit and show how much you want to by my cunt licker, Understood?"

"Yes Taisha." "Very good Lizzy. Now make yourself cum for me while you tell me. If you want, you can tell me what you were thinking about when you fucked Tony today. If it's good I'll send a copy to my phone to watch later and you can keep a copy for yourself, ok Lizzy?"

Liz hesitated, as the reality of the situation started to sink in but nodded her compliance. If this ever got out it would ruin her career, but the idea of pleasuring herself for Taisha and revealing all the thoughts she'd had for Taisha today, made her pussy ache.

"Ok sweetie, action!" Taisha began to record.

Liz held the massager and realized if she turned it on and touched it to her clit to soon it would be a very short recording. She held the massager to the side and spoke to the camera.

"Hi Taisha, It's me Liz, from school. I've made this recording to let you know how sorry I am for treating you badly and how much I want to make it up to you." She looked directly as Taisha as she spoke. "The truth is I was jealous of you from the beginning. Your confidence strength and beauty all seemed threatening to me. The fact that Principal Turner saw potential in you only added to my jealousy."

Taisha was taken by the sincerity in her voice and the softness in her eyes as she spoke.

"When I found out you had dated women in college, something happened, and I began to have strange feeling when I looked at you. Your eyes, your lips... I imagine what they would feel like against mine." Liz swallowed hard. "I thought how they might feel on my neck..." Her eyes closed and her head tilted and rolled gently.

Then she leaned back, shimmied onto the table propped up with her elbows behind her and legs stretched out and spread. Taisha adjusted the phone angle for the full view. She loved seeing her cunt licker naked except for the white thong panties.

"I think about you kissing my shoulders." Liz turned on the vibrator. "And when I think about those beautiful full lips on my nipples that get so hard Taisha..." She touched the vibrating ball to her right nipple and dropped flat on the table pushing her perky little tits in the air. "Oh Taisha..." She moved to the left nipple. "I don't deserve you but I wanna please you so much. I wanna touch that strong beautiful body. I wanna feel every curve and touch every inch of you."

Taisha watched as the vibrator moved slowly back and forth between breasts and over her flat little tummy. She was amazed by the effect little Lizzy was having on her. She thought about dropping the phone, yanking those panties off her and tonging her tight little pussy. But the show was just too good to interrupt.

Liz opened her eyes and looked at Taisha. "I wanna drop to my knees and worship you like an African Goddess. I think about you all the time Taisha, I wanna taste your hot wet pussy every day. All I wanna do is rip my panties off and make myself cum for you and show I'm worthy of being your cunt licker Taisha." She looked at Taisha with desperate pleasure on her face.

Taisha nodded and Lizzy dropped the massager and worked her panties off. Then she raised her knees up and spread herself open for Taisha.

"I made my fiancé Tony lick my pussy on this very spot today, thinking about you Taisha. I know I'm not worthy by I closed my eyes and imagined your beautiful lips and tongue touching my pussy and it felt so good. He could never make me cum that way, but today, thinking of you, I came so hard for you. I almost yelled out your name Taisha. She began to rub the pulsing vibrating ball against her wet slit. "Huh, huh, huh, huh," she panted body jerking.

"Then I made him fuck meeee, Oh God Taisha, " She pressed the ball against her clit. I thought about your hot wet cunt, lowering to my face as I pierced your sweet softness with my tongue. As he pounded me, I thought of my hands on your gorgeous ass, feeling you rub your sticky juices over my face, riding my tongue... Oh Taisha I wanna be your cunt licker pl, ease! Oh fuck! I'm cumming for y, you Ta, ish, a."

Taisha felt a rush of heat through her loins as Liz looked at her, mouth agape and body jerking as she came. The vibrator hummed and the massager head rolled slowly as Liz pressed it hard against herself with both hands. Liz managed a small gasp of air with each body spasm until she tossed the massager to the side and collapsed onto the dining table.

Once and for all Liz earned the title of cunt licker and Taisha knew how she would reward her and at the same time get her own itch scratched. "And Cut!" said Taisha walking to the side of the dining table. "You got the job Lizzy, that was... Inspiring." She turned one of the chairs and stepped up onto the dining table.

Liz gazed up at her wide eyed as Taisha stood straddling her abdomen looking down at her. Taisha smiled and stepped forward over Liz's head.

"That got me very wet Lizzy, you know what they say about life imitating art?"

Taisha gripped the pleats of her skirt and lowered herself down to her knees. Liz was under the light-yellow tent of Taisha's sun dress with enough light penetrating the thin fabric to see Taisha's full ass cheeks and the smiley face grin formed where her cheeks met her thighs. In the faint light, the crack of her ass seemed to carry all the way through to her dark bush. She could see beyond her bush up her muscular tummy to the outline of her belly button.

She contemplated how her life changed in just over 24 hours. Yesterday she wanted to drive Taisha Smith out of the school and her life. Now she lay staring at her naked pussy wanting nothing more than the chance to taste her tangy wet cunt and do whatever it took to make Taisha Smith cum in her mouth.

Liz lay, arms at her sides and pinned against her by Taisha's lower legs. She could see that neon pink slit peeking through Taisha's dark labia. She imagined her tongue slipping gently into that pink slice of heaven as her right hand slipped around Taisha's thigh and slid up her tight flat belly feeling her soft smooth skin. She could almost feel Taisha's firm silky smooth ass as she imagined her left hand caressing it. Taisha lowered herself slowly onto Liz's tongue.

Liz's pussy was soaked again. She could not believe how veracious her appetite for Taisha had become. She just made herself cum and needed more already. Taisha hovered over her softly swaying, so Liz reached her arms around the back of Taisha's thighs with hands gripping the front. She squeezed her thighs and pulled herself up toward those sweet silky lips.

"Not yet Lizzy, I'm gonna need you to ask nicely and tell me what you want." Said Taisha as she raised herself up and pulled away.

"Please Ms. Smith, let me lick your pussy again. I want you to ride my tongue until you cum in my mouth," pleaded Liz still clinging to Taisha's powerful thighs.

Taisha couldn't decide what she liked better, when Lizzy begged for her pussy Calling her Ms. Smith or calling her My Goddess. "Lizzy Sweetie is your little pussy burning for me again?" She pushed Liz's hands off her thighs. "Yes Ms. Smith, my pussy's so hot for you," she wiggled her hips and raised her pelvis.

"Do you want to play with another toy and cum for me while you suck my pussy Lizzy?" She asked softly.

"Oh, please let me cum for you while I lick your cunt Ms. Smith, please!" That taste put her in a frenzy, and she needed her tongue in her again.

Taisha looked at Liz's collection. There was a big black rubber cock with a silver vibrator control sticking out of the back end of the ten-inch veiny dick. The front half of a hard rubber ball sack hung down to simulate the balls slapping your ass. A skinny 6-inch little silver dildo about the diameter of a nickel lay next to that seemed tiny in comparison.

Beside that was what Taisha guessed was her first toy; a basic white six-inch-long one-inch diameter dome tipped plastic vibrator. Last was the double headed plunging vibrating super dildo with clit tickler. It was about eight inches long with ribbed rings about a third of the way down the shaft that allowed the tip to rotate and plunge in and out. Taisha had eyed them up when toy shopping for her cunt lickers in college, but they were too expensive for a poor college student to afford.

Liz felt like she was in a dream. The dress tent captured Taisha's scent and each breath caused a wash of tingling pleasure through her. Hearing Taisha's voice from outside the soft light of the tent really gave the sensation of the voice of a Goddess speaking from above. She knew what she needed and let Taisha know.

"I want the big black cock Ms. Smith." She yelled and pushed her pelvis up and collapsed back to the table.

Taisha felt a sudden rush of heat from Liz's choice. A vision slipped into her head of what it may have looked like if Principal Turner had not gained control of herself when she was with Coach Johnson those years ago in her office. She imagined that big black cock dildo was Coach Johnson's dick sliding in and out of principal turner as he fucked her hard on the desk.

Taisha grabbed the rubber cock and shoved it in her mouth to lube it up for Liz. Liz could see the silhouette of Taisha sucking the rubber dick and imagined watching it slide in and out of Taisha full lips before she shoved it into Liz.

"You know you've already cum for me five times today Lizzy. Now you want a big black cock to go again. You really are a cunt licking little slut aren't you Lizzy?"

She put the heavy cock in Liz's hand and looked back over her shoulder to watch.

'"Oh God yes, I'm your cunt licking little slut Ms. Smith." She panted aligning the cock head with her pussy.

"Is that beast gonna fit in that cute little pussy Lizzy?" Taisha asked innocently.

Liz pushed "King Dong" steadily in pausing a few times to back it out before going deeper.

Taisha watched as the fat cock pulled her labia all the way in as she shoved. Then she would back it out stretching her labia out before she engulfed another inch or so. Her lips would get pushed back in until she was unable to take more. She repeated the process several times until she maxed out an inch and on half from the plastic half ball sack.

It looked like no ball slapping for Lizzy, Taisha thought as she watched her slide the giant black dick slowly in and out, gyrating her hips with her knees pointed skyward.

Taisha turned back forward and gently began to lower herself. "Are you ready Cunt Licker?" She asked softly.

"Yes please Ms. Smith, let me taste your pussy, Please!" Pleaded Liz as that moist neon pink crack moved closer. She held her tongue stiff and felt Taisha's lips slowly engulf her.

"Oh yeah, that tongue is so warm Lizzy," Taisha began to subtly move her hips forward and back, never letting Liz's tongue out of her slit.

Taisha felt Liz, jerk and squeal into her pussy as she heard the hum of the vibrator switch on. "Lizzy Honey, you have some powerful toys, I can feel that beast vibrating your hot little tongue," She sighed slowly picking up the pace of her movements.

Liz whimpered and wiggled her tongue inside Taisha, causing Taisha to moan with pleasure. "Such a good cunt licker, Ah! Lizzy that tongue never stops sweetie." Taisha said petting Liz's head gently.

Feeling her pleasure intensifying Taisha leaned forward bracing her body with her left arm and continuing to pet Liz's hair with her right. Liz sensed her pleasure and sped the pace of her tongue and the big black vibrating cock. She struggled to keep her tongue in motion and pleasure herself at the same time. Her moans intensified and Taisha could feel her hot breathe flooding her steaming cunt.

Her cunt licker was bringing her closer to climax again while Taisha envisioned pleasuring Principal turner in the morning. It seemed all the fantasizing about Principal Maggie Turner had built up inside her. The dam broke in her mind and there was no more holding back.

Her hips rocked forward and back in a smooth rhythmic motion that made her feel sexy and free. She envisioned being naked with Maggie Turner, Maggie's hands on her ass as she rode her beautiful face.

"Oh fuck, it feels so good!" Taisha Sang out.

Her hips rolled faster and faster as she imagined falling forward, face between Principal Turner's silky thighs and tasting her hot pussy.

As Taisha's hips rocked, Liz could only hold her tongue stiff and let Taisha drive. Her hot wetness ground against Liz's face coating her with her juices. With her orgasm building Taisha gripped Liz's hair and held her face against her writhing pussy.

Liz plunged the big black cock in and out faster and faster as Taisha's moans and squeals intensified. Taisha's hips moved a lightning speed as she grunted her pleasure.

"Feels, so, good!" her grip on Liz's hair tightened.

Liz sucked quick gasps of air as her nose cleared Taisha's labia while she fucked her face.

"Fuck, I'm cum, ming. Eat, My, Pus,sy! Cunt, Lick, er" Barked Taisha.

Overcome with pleasure Taisha froze groaning and squealing causing Liz to suck her clit button and batter it with her tongue. As she felt Taisha convulse with pleasure, she pulled the black dick hard against her clit raising her ass off the table cumming hard. Liz's hips jerked in time with Taisha.

When their climaxes passed, Taisha released Liz's hair and fell forward onto her elbows as Liz licked up her cunt cum. After a moment, Liz released King Dong, it slid out of her and dropped on the table. Then Taisha rolled off Liz and stood next to the table.

"Thank you, Lizzy, I can't tell you how much I needed that. Let me help you up." Taisha put out a hand and helped Liz, then she reached for King Dong.

She held up the glistening dildo and smiled. "It's like a Lizzy cumsicle," said Taisha as she gave it a big slow lick. "Dildo licking good." She licked again.

Liz thought that was the second time today Taisha tasted her cum, imagining what it would feel like to have that tongue in her pussy. But now she was completely satisfied and completely spent. Six orgasms in one day tripled the previous best.

Taisha set the dildo down and looked at her gripping her head in both hands. Thank you Lizzy, you may be my best cunt licker yet. Then she leaned in and took a lick on each cheek before slipping her tongue into Liz's mouth for a deep sensual kiss the shocked Liz with its effect on her. She gladly reciprocated relishing in the gently softness of her kiss and touch.

Taisha broke the kiss, stepped back and looked her up and down. "You're just so cute Lizzy. I could eat you up Girl. Turn around for me Hon." Liz turned and when her back was to Taisha, she stopped her and gripped her ass with both hands. "Um, Um, I do love your tight little ass Lizzy." She squeezed and rubbed it a little roughly and then gave it a playful but firm slap. "So glad it's mine now Lizzy.

She turned and walked toward the door. "Tomorrow is a big day for me Lizzy. I may need you, if not early, I will really need you tomorrow night. Rest up Lizzy "

"Thank you Ms. Smith." Said Lizzy submissively.

"Your welcome Lizzy," said Taisha as she walked out not looking back.

As she walked to the car it occurred to Taisha that she preferred "Ms. Smith" over "My Goddess". She could sense just a hint of disdain in Lizzy's voice when she spoke her name and she liked that.

Liz stood naked in her living room, exhausted, satisfied, angry and ashamed all at once. After six orgasms it seemed like the fog of obedience had lifted and she was able to think clearly. She wondered how her life had completely derailed in less than thirty-six hours. Had she really told Taisha she was her cunt licking little slut?

She cleaned up her toys, showered and went to bed, thankful that exhaustion overtook her. She slept for a full eight hours which she hadn't done since college.

Taisha also slept like a rock but woke up early. She looked at the clock and figured she had a full ninety minutes before Principal Turner's morning swim. She immediately rolled into the shower and washed and shaved every inch of her body. She was not sure why, if things went as planned it would be some time before Maggie ever saw her naked.

Her mind raced as she reviewed the plan in her mind. She would get dressed, start breakfast and set up her computer. Her stomach turned as she could see the objective at her fingertips and just needed to bring it home.

Her breakfast consisted of comfort foods she had growing up with. She made her Bibi's (Gramma's) breakfast casserole. It had eggs, hash browns, peppers, onions and sausage topped with cheese. She also prepared grits and had coffee, Juice and fruit. When she looked at the spread, she realized she made enough to feed them for a week.

She prepped and gave herself the once over in the mirror. She smiled as she felt a rush of heat through her body. Her confidence rose as she looked at herself. The outfit highlighted her body and features every bit as much as she hoped. She never felt so powerful.

She slid the casserole in the oven, positioned her laptop on the counter near the door and looked out the window for signs of movement. Seeing no signs of life, she sighed and looked at her phone. She was still twenty minutes ahead of Maggie's normal swim time.

She turned back to the computer and a few moments later heard the patio slider. Her heart raced and she looked again, disappointed to see Sam coming out to the patio and looking toward the RV. She ignored him and he walked around to the garage and left for work.

Less than a minute after he left, she heard the slider again, it was Principal turner in her black speedo. She cued the audio of her conversation with Sam and spied her through the blinds.

Maggie looked stunning as usual in the tight swimsuit. Her body firm and smooth, Taisha sighed longingly. She held her finger over the play button and watched. Maggie took several deep breaths looking at the trailer then turned back to look at her reflection in the glass.

She pulled the left shoulder strap out with her thumb, slid her right hand over her breast, gripped and lifted her breast and released the strap. She did the same to the right breast, then turned and looked over her shoulder and adjusted the ass of the swim suite to highlight her cheeks. Then she spun back around and slid her flattened hand down her belly turning left then right making sure everything was in place.

Taisha smiled knowing those were more the actions of a woman wanting very much to impress her lover, rather than those of a stoic martyr, ready to sacrifice her happiness for the sake of her spouse. As Liz headed toward the RV, she hit play.

Maggie tried to push the bad thoughts from her mind. She needed to be strong and remember she was married, in love with Sam and Taisha's boss. There were so many reasons to stay strong. As she neared the RV, she heard Sam's voice.

Sam: "I'm sorry. I feel like such a letch. That top!'

Taisha: "You are a bad boy Mr. Turner. Married men shouldn't..."

Sam: "I never promised not to look. Besides, Maggie is a highly driven career woman and she understands that our needs aren't the same outside of work."

Taisha: "So you two have an understanding?"

"Sam: "You could say that. It's complicated, but sex is not as important to her, so there are compromises."

"Taisha: Compromises? So flirting and racy conversation is ok?"

Sam: "Absolutely."

Taisha: "What else is ok Mr. Turner?"

Sam "Anything you want Taisha."

Maggie had heard enough; she yanked the RV door open. "Understanding Sam, really!" The door slammed against the RV.

Taisha jumped and held her hand to her chest, the universal signal for you scared the shit out of me and I am having a heart attack.

Maggie's eyes moved from rage to confusion as the image of Taisha's terrorized face sitting in front of her laptop, came into focus with no sign of Sam.

Then Sam's voice continued from the computer. "Taisha, I'm sorry, it's just, you're so beautiful and smart and... I can't stop thinking about..."

Taisha hit stop. "Oh God, Principal Turner you're early..."

Maggie cut in. "Sam's not here?" Her look of confusion continued.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for you to hear..." She stopped talking. "Please come in and shut the door, I can... breakfast is almost ready..."

"What is that recording Taisha?" Trying to regain her composure, she stepped into the RV and pulled the door closed behind her.

A second wave of confusion hit when she saw Taisha's outfit. It immediately suggested the painting of Oshun, Goddess over love, sensuality and flirtation Taisha had given her... Taisha was the living embodiment of that picture.

She wore a bright yellow tank top that exploded against her ebony skin. It was semi loose fabric with elastic bands above and below her breasts. There were copper colored arm bands on her biceps and forearms with several solid copper colored bracelet rings on her wrists.

Her hair was down and flowing with a copper head piece that had a beaded necklace that hung from it and spanned her forehead. Her midriff was completely exposed revealing her dark shimmering muscular belly and round inward belly button. She had a full length yellow pleated skirt. The waistband was a shimmering copper colored two-inch-wide elastic material that cut down from her hips to form a V just above her pubic mound.

Maggie was stunned and stood speechless. She had come in angered by what she heard, and her mind could not reconcile what she was seeing. Her head darted subtly up, down and side to side trying to comprehend what was happening. Her mind wanted an explanation for what she'd heard, and her eyes wanted to drink in the beautiful sight that stood before her.

Taisha spoke breaking the awkward silence. "I'm so sorry Principle turner, you're early. I didn't mean for you to hear that. I was trying to decide what to tell you..."

"Are you and Sam..."

"No! I would never do that," Taisha said firmly. "I told you I could handle him, but he said some things yesterday and I wasn't sure what to do. I don't want to come between you... Sit down Maggie, we'll talk over breakfast? Please?" Said Taisha retaining her firm tone. She pointed to the dining table.

"Breakfast is not a top priority at the moment Taisha, and why are you dressed like Oshun?" Said Maggie as she sat at the table.

"Fine but you need to hear me out." Said Taisha looking Maggie in the eyes.

Maggie did not like the commanding tone, but something told her Taisha was serious and she sat quietly.

"I'll explain the outfit in a minute. But it was given to me in Africa and I really wanted you to see it, but first let me explain the recording. What exactly did you hear?"

"That's the question of a guilty party trying to figure out what part of the lie they can keep." She started to stand up.

"I need you to sit down and be rational Maggie Turner!" Said Taisha in her best schoolteacher voice.

Maggie's anger was boiling over when Taisha smiled and giggled a little. It put Maggie at ease for a few seconds until the gravity of the situation hit her again. Sensing this, Taisha spoke in a calm voice with a warm smile at just the right instant.

"Principal Turner, I promise nothing happened. You know how Sam is. I handled it; I assure you Mr. Turner is not the object of my desire." She emphasized the word mister. Implying that Mrs. Turner was her object.

Maggie felt the anger soften and was once again befuddled by her feelings for Taisha. The image of the African goddess from the painting stood personified before her with her toned muscular stomach exposed. Her eyes were drawn to it, the smooth dark skin, muscular abs and her low-cut waistline.

The thought of gently kissing her tummy as her hand slid around to her full ass and held her close, appeared in her mind. How good would it feel to just hug her close and press her cheek against her warm body, she wondered. As she felt her mind drifting away, she managed to gather her thoughts and snap herself out of it.

"So, you recorded him yesterday?" Said Maggie, residing herself to the fact she would not get a swim in this morning.

She told herself she would do it later. She would definitely need the stress relief.

Taisha pulled the casserole from the oven. "Please, let's eat and talk about something less taxing over breakfast and I will tell you all about it after."

She scooped out a large portion onto Maggie's plate and a similar amount for herself. Maggie looked at it and thought, no way she could eat all that.

"Taisha, you've put out quite the spread. Thank you." She took a bite. "This is delicious." She took another bite savoring the flavors.

It had been a while since she had a real breakfast. Yesterday's French toast was the first hot breakfast in ages. But this was incredible.

"Amazing, I hope you'll share the recipe." said Maggie taking the third bite.

"It's another of my Bibi's recipes. If I share it, I'll be excommunicated from the family." She smiled. "I might take the risk with you though."

Maggie watched Taisha's eyes move up and down looking at her teasingly. She hated the fact the little once over with her eyes, made Maggie's heart race. She needed to stay strong and try not to encourage her.

Over breakfast Taisha explained, during her study abroad in Africa when she had arrived at a village in Nigeria, one of the elder women was taken by her in a yellow blouse and told her she reminded her of Oshun. She is the woman that did the painting Taisha had given Maggie. After teaching the children they wanted to express their gratitude by presenting her with the outfit she was wearing. They hand crafted everything. When Taisha tried to pay them for it, they refused.

"It was just so moving that a village that was the poorest of the poor by our standards gave me such a beautiful and extravagant gift for teaching their children." Taisha stood up and turned around. "Look at the detail."

Maggie was amazed. As she spun Maggie could see what she thought was an elastic waist was actually a series or strings through the waist bands that pulled together in the back and tied. The top similarly was not elastic but tied. on the right side, under her arm.

The jewelry was intricate, and hand crafted as well. When she saw Taisha's exposed shoulders and lower back, she found herself wanting to touch and caress her ebony skin.

"It's so beautiful and elaborate, it's not something I can wear going out and about, so I just wanted to share it with you."

"I'm so glad you did Taisha. The detail is amazing, and you are the only one I know beautiful enough to do it justice." Said Maggie, trying not to get lost her eyes.

Taisha noticed and began to grow more confident that her plan was working. She maintained eye contact until Maggie swallowed hard and looked down and away.

Changing the subject Maggie asked for seconds. "I can't believe I'm doing this after that giant serving, but can I please have some more?" she asked softly.

Taisha served her another helping. After breakfast Maggie helped clean up and they sat on the sofa. Taisha shared the events of the day before with Sam and eventually played the recordings for her. She helped keep it light and they joked as best they could, making fun of Sam.

Maggie tried to keep the attitude that Sam was Sam and it was not a big deal. She particularly found it amusing how obvious it was Taisha was not actually participating in phone sex and came across almost monotone at certain points.

"Oh My god, listen to you, were you yawning right there?" Maggie laughed as she listened.

Sam on the other hand clearly did make himself cum. Sam being Sam was one thing, but the revelation that he had apparently, routinely, had sex with multiple women over the years, was hard to take.

The hypocrisy of her anger did not escape Maggie. Considering her encounters with Taisha, it was a bit of the pot and the kettle. But, in her defense, she told herself, Taisha was the instigator and Maggie had stopped it.

But even as she told herself this, her eyes scanned Taisha. The contrast of her glistening dark skin against the bright yellow fabric, the shape of her shoulders and neck and the way the large hooped earing bounced against her neck, all seemed to make Maggie want her.

She breathed slowly and steadily through her nose trying to keep control of her emotions. As she did the scent of Taisha's perfume brought back the image of that first encounter in her office. Taisha was rubbing her shoulders and when the scent hit her nostrils. That may have been the moment Maggie lost control. As she recalled how Taisha was able to bring her such pleasure with just one finger, she felt another rush of wetness.

Then it hit Maggie, she was in a speedo and it would not take much to soak through. She quickly stood up breaking her chain of thought. "I think I'll have more coffee, would you like some?" She asked Taisha.

"No thanks. Are you ok Principal Turner?" Taisha looked at Maggie's ass in the speedo and imagined nibbling her partially exposed butt cheeks.

She did not comprehend a word of Maggie's response as she took in the image of Principal Turner's tight little body in the lycra suit. Her breasts were a nice handful with her nipples quite visible through the stretched fabric. Her stomach firm and flat, begged to be touched and kissed. When she turned, she marveled at the arch of her back giving way to the smooth curve of her ass.

She recalled the feel of her neck and shoulders as she had massaged them at that first encounter. She wanted to peel that speedo off and explore her nude body...

... "so many mixed emotions, but thanks for asking." Maggie sighed.

Taisha's mind whipped back into focus as she looked at Maggie's troubled face. She quickly thought of a response that would not give up her complete lack of attention to what was just said.

"Just know I'm here if you ever need to talk about it or... I'm here." Taisha thought, less was more in this case and stopped talking.

Maggie returned to the sofa an took a seat with her back to the corner of the armrest. This placed her a little farther away for safety but facing Taisha a bit more. After sitting for a moment, she realized this position had it's downside. She had a really good view of Taisha's fit stomach against the bright yellow.

She could see her ab muscles even as she sat and could not stop the thought of licking her belly button. Her eyes bounced from her belly button to her eyes.

Those eyes were hypnotic in their own right. Clear bright whites surrounding the intensely dark iris almost undiscernible from her pupils. Her face was almost glowing, the ebony softness begged for her touch.

Maggie remembered how Taisha's full soft lips felt against hers and once again realized she was losing the battle. She thought of a question that could justify her stare and get her mind off the forbidden fruit in front of her.

"How do you get your abs so toned Taisha, I have never been able to get the six pack, or even a one pack."

"I've done at least fifty sit-ups a day for ten years plus, I eat right and run three times a week. Of course, I tried swimming the other day and was ready to quit after four laps. I don't think you have anything to worry about Principal Turner. You have a tight firm beautiful tummy," responded Taisha looking at Maggie's midsection eagerly. "I wish I looked like that in a speedo."

Taisha struggled to focus. Maggie sat with her back in the corner of the arm rest, her right knee against the back of the couch with her calf laying on the sofa and foot dangling over the edge. Her left leg was stretched out and heel rested on the floor. She tried not to stare at the bathing suit crotch but couldn't help but imagine pulling it aside and diving in between Maggie's legs and tasting her again.

They continued talking about workout routines and diet plans, favorite foods and portion control. That made Maggie think how good she was doing with her thought control. Until Taisha warmed her coffee for her and sat back down closer on the sofa, back in perfume range.

Once again, the scent of Rogue, plunged her mind back to the encounter in her office. "So much more to teach you," Taisha had said.

Maggie needed to get out of this situation, or she would falter again. And if she didn't move now, she would soak through her bathing suit for sure. "That coffee is going through me. I better head back to the house. I'm too full to swim anyway, I should get out of this suit." Maggie stood up as she spoke.

"You can use the restroom here, I was gonna show you my photo journal from the village in Nigeria, won't you stay a bit longer. I have some pajama's or something comfy you can put on if you want, shorts and T maybe?" Said Taisha, trying not to sound desperate.

Maggie stood looking down a Taisha trying to decide what to do. She was a professional grown woman in charge of the largest high school in Arkansas. But couldn't control herself around one young woman. She asked herself, "Is this what you are reduced to? Some kind of hormone crazed animal..."

"Ok, yeah, that sounds great, give me a minute." Said Maggie and she went into the bathroom. She pulled down the speedo to her knees and sat. The door to the bathroom had a body mirror on the inside. She had forgotten about that. When they had used the RV, she remembered thinking it had to be a man that designed this. There's not a woman alive who wants to watch themselves while doing their business.

She finished and cleaned herself up. Before leaving the bathroom, she looked at herself in the mirror and took a few deep breaths, determined to maintain her composure. She opened the door, still looking in the mirror as it opened. The mirror reflected into the bedroom and she caught sight of black stockings and matching braw and underwear laying on the bed.

With the door open it blocked the aisle of the RV acting as a sight barrier to the living area where Taisha was. Maggie left it open and turned toward the bedroom. The stockings were lace thigh highs and the bra and panties were black lace with a touch of sparkle and an elaborate group of black strings for attaching them somehow.

Maggie starred at them imagining what Taisha would look like in that outfit. She wondered why they were laid out on the bed like they were on display. As she starred, she heard Taisha.

"Everything OK Principal Turner?" Asked Taisha.

"Is this supposed to be the something comfier?" Asked Maggie, a bit agitated.

"Oh, no that wasn't meant for you to see, I'm Sorry, I a..." Taisha said sounding flustered.

She had in fact wanted Maggie to see the outfit, but a bit later. But she thought this could work.

"Did you wear that for Sam?" She asked anger growing.

"God no I bought them for you, before..."

Maggie looked back toward the door and saw her reflection. She blushed and felt a tingle between her legs when it hit her, Taisha was going to wear that outfit for her.

"Before?" Maggie asked and paused.

"Before you said we shouldn't... I thought I had put them away, I'm so sorry, please don't think I'm still trying..." Taisha paused to let Maggie react. She had moved closer to the door.

Maggie turned back to look at the outfit and her mind imagined what Taisha would look like wearing it. Her mind pictured kneeling before Taisha and peeling those stockings off her thighs. Her breathing deepened and the silence grew awkward.

"It's OK. I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions. You're a beautiful young lady and gonna make someone very happy someday. I'm flattered you would have worn that outfit for me." Maggie felt herself getting warmer and wetter and tried to figure out how to gracefully leave.

"I bought it hoping you would wear it actually... Stop it Taisha you're making it worse. Principal turner I'm sorry I..." Taisha rambled.

Maggie gripped the right stocking. She had never worn anything like that before. She had owned at least a thousand pairs of panty hose, but never anything like what she was holding. They were so light and silky, she rubbed them against her face breathing deeply. They smelled of Taisha's Rogue perfume causing her pussy to flush. Suddenly she felt light-headed and sat quickly on the bed.

"...we're ok?" Taisha finished.

"Yes, we're ok." Replied Maggie. "Just give me a minute please."

"Ok." Said Taisha tentatively.

Maggie put on one of the stockings and looked at herself. She extended her leg and turned sideways to the mirror. The look and feel were exhilarating. She never would have bought something like this for herself. She put on the other and stood looking at her legs in the stockings.

Even with the speedo she felt sexier than she could remember. She was getting more excited by the minute and looking at the conglomeration of strings coming from the panties and braw she couldn't resist trying them on too.

"Everything is ok Taisha, I promise. I just need a few minutes to collect myself if you don't mind," she said as she wiggled out of the speedo.

She wished she'd done that before she put on the stockings but managed to get it off over the stockings. She enjoyed looking at herself naked with the lace stockings even more. Taisha opened her mind to so many possibilities, she began to think about her words yet again. "So much more to teach you..."

It took her several minutes to figure out the panties and braw, but it was worth the challenge. They were not quite like anything she had seen before. The panties were a bikini thong, but so unique Maggie quickly put aside her dislike of butt floss.

The waist band was a thin quarter inch elastic ribbon material. But cumming off each side of the top of triangle pantie front, were two additional crisscrossing elastic ribbon straps that formed six diamonds of skin that shown through the straps. Three ribbon straps wrapped around each hip, came back together, and crisscrossed in the back just above her ass crack.

After she figured out the maze of elastic straps, she could not help but look at herself in the mirror. The panties had little sparkling specs interwoven into the black lace and contrasted nicely with her slightly tanned skin. She felt so sexy as she turned sideways and adjusted the three straps high on her exposed hips.

She looked over her shoulder and saw the way the straps converged above her naked ass. She felt proud of all the hours she spent in the pool and at the gym to keep her ass in shape. The black lace stockings seemed to accentuate her ass sending a tingle through her body.

The bra was equally complex, but she figured it out quickly. It was a basic black lace bra with the sparkles interwoven also. It clipped in the back normally, but like the panties, there were three elastic straps that attached at the bottom under each breast, they crisscrossed in front forming the diamond patterns below her breasts. The three straps were connected to a bit of fabric with a triple clasp that connected in the center of her back.

Those three black ribbon straps wrapping around her back made Maggie feel so sexy, because of the clash against her light skin and the way it seemed to accentuate her shape. She looked at herself and spun slowly around. She marveled at Taisha's ability to tap into her most inner desires.

Maggie would have never imagined wearing the outfit Taisha had picked and now that it was on, she had never felt so attractive, or so wanted. She needed to see Taisha's reaction to her wearing it. Her defenses were gone, and she had to know what Taisha could teach her. "A thousand ways to pleasure you..." She said.

At the same time Taisha had inched closer to the door. Resisting the urge to peak over the top or under the door, she listened quietly. Based on the movements and rustling she dared to hope Principal Turner was putting on the lingerie.

She tried to contain her excitement as her dream could finally become reality. She wanted to speak out but needed to play it cool. She had asked for a few minutes and it had been several. She removed her arm bands, bracelets and head piece wanting nothing between them incase...

She could hear Principal Turner breathing and see shadows moving on the floor under the door. She wondered if Maggie was looking at herself in the mirror when suddenly she heard her speak in a breathy sighing voice. "Taisha?"

"Yes Ms. Turner?" Taisha's heart thumped.

Taisha smiled as the silence lingered. After a long moment Taisha spoke with joy. "You like the outfit, don't you?"

Another torturous moment and finally. "Yes, very much." Maggie said softly, butterflies in her stomach. She breathed slowly and deeply.

"Do you want to show me how you look Principal Turner?" Asked Taisha, her confidence growing with each exchange.

"Yes, please." She stood barely able to breath.

Looking over her shoulder at her ass in the thong, she hoped Taisha would not be disappointed. She turned to face the mirror, smiled and took a deep breath. "I love it Taisha, I want you to see me. I want you to teach me..."

"I'm coming in now Principal Turner." Taisha swung the door closed and gazed in amazement. There stood the object of her fantasy for so long, now ready to offer herself. The stockings fit her perfectly giving way to her creamy lightly tanned thighs. She wanted to caress her legs, starting at the silk stockings and on up to her smooth bare thighs.

Her mouth hung open as her eyes took in the skin colored diamonds showing through the crisscrossed straps on her pelvis. She followed the triple straps up around her curved hips.

Maggie's stomach and chest moved softly as she breathed steadily and deeply, her breasts pushed up bulging out of the black sparkling bra. The skin diamonds below her breasts peeked through the straps begging for Taisha's tongue. As Taisha's eyes moved up her shapely neck and met Principal Turner's eyes. She felt a rush of tingling heat through her body that surpassed any of her countless fantasies of Principal Maggie Turner.

When their eyes met Maggie saw the look of pure desire in Taisha's eyes and felt any remaining inhibitions melt away. The expression on that beautiful ebony face electrified every cell of Maggie's body. She had never felt so wanted.

Taisha twirled her hand signaling Maggie to Turn. She remembered how soft Maggie's hair felt as she turned. The soft brown hair now hung down against her back hanging between her should blades.

She let out an audible moan when she saw Principal Turners shapely ass and the crisscrossed straps converging above her ass crack. She noticed two subtle dimples on her lower back above each cheek. The sexy curve of her back and the valley down her spine would definitely need to be thoroughly kissed.

Unable to wait any longer, Taisha stepped forward, pulled the bathroom door back open so the mirror was in full view. She quietly stepped up behind her quarry and slid a finger beneath her hair and pulled it aside.

Maggie jumped a bit, startled and completely electrified. Then she instinctively tilted her head, surrendering her neck. As Taisha's lips gently touched, Maggie sighed heavily. Taisha's warm soft lips softly kissed her neck, her breath sending a wave of goose bumps down Maggie's spine.

"I've dreamed of this for so long Principal Turner," Taisha kissed her again. "You are the most beautiful thing..." She planted more soft kisses as her hands landed gently on Maggie's hips. "I want to pleasure you Principal Turner." She kissed more firmly starting at the shoulder and moved up her neck to just behind the ear.

Maggie whimpered and began to tremble as Taisha's hands slid down Maggie's thighs to the stockings and then back up her hips and up her sides. Her touch was tickling bliss as her hands move up to Maggie's shoulders. Taisha traced her fingertips down Maggie's arms and then followed the path of the ribbons from Maggie's sides to the bottom edge of the bra.

"I can feel your heart pounding Principal Turner. Do I excite you?" Whispered Taisha.

"Y, yes. Oh, yes." Maggie felt week kneed.

"Are you ready for your first lesson Principal Turner?" Her fingers teased their way down Maggie's abdomen and circled her belly button.

Maggie exhaled in broken puffs and nodded. "Oh T, Taisha..." Her knees buckled.

"Let's set you down Principal Turner." She wrapped her arms around Maggie's belly and turned them both.

When they faced the mirror Maggie's heart skipped a beat at the sight of Taisha's ebony arms holding her. Taisha gracefully guided Maggie's body as she sat on the bed and positioned her. They sat facing the Mirror with Maggie sitting between Taisha's spread legs. Taisha had positioned the fanned sundress, so Maggie sat on it.

Taisha rested her chin on Maggie's shoulder and looked at her while her fingers caressed Maggie's sides and stomach. "I want you to see yourself through my eyes Principal Turner. You are beautiful, passionate and the most desirable woman I have ever met."

The intensity in Taisha's eyes held Maggie's gaze as she lost herself in the feel of Taisha's delicate fingers.

As she spoke, Taisha traced the top edge of the stockings and then up Maggie's inner thigh. "Do you like how you look Principal Turner?" Maggie nodded. "Me too, very much. Will you wear this whenever you come visit me?" Maggie Nodded. "Thank you, Principal Turner. I wish I could tell you how good you feel. I've fantasized about this for so long."

Taisha kissed her neck as her fingers traced the outline of her panties and slid up the centerline of her pussy. Maggie's eyes closed as she released a sighing moan and leaned her body more firmly against Taisha. She felt Taisha's breasts against her back and rolled her hips gently in response to the touch.

"Your pussy is so warm Principal Turner; I wonder if you're as wet as you make me." Taisha's lips tickle her ear as she spoke.

"Taisha, I want you so much," Maggie trembled and pushed her pelvis toward the retreating fingers.

Taisha rapidly slid her fingers up the ribbon straps across Maggie's tummy and around her hips.

"You don't know how long I've waited to hear words like that from those pretty lips of yours. I am going to explore every inch of you today Principal Turner." Her fingers swirled around her belly button again.

"Yes," Maggie gasped as her stomach jerked.

"You like that Principal turner?" her finger traced the triangles above her pelvis.

Maggie tremble and panted rapidly. "Yes Taisha, I love it wh, when you, oh, touch me.

"That's so good, because I'm going to be touching you all day long and I, want you to tell me how it makes you feel, OK?" Taisha leaned in and kissed her neck and shoulder.

"Your lips are so soft and warm Taisha," Maggie's eyes closed. "Your fingers send goosebumps through my whole body."

Taisha's pussy throbbed. She could hardly believe this was finally happening. Principal Turner was surrendering herself to her.

"Will you please grant me one wish Principal Turner" she kissed her ear lobe.

"Of course, what is it?" Maggie panted.

"No matter what happens tomorrow, I want you today, all day and I need you to trust me completely Principal Turner." Her fingers traced the top of Maggie's bra.

"I do trust you Taisha, just look at me." She smiled and moaned as Taisha kissed her neck again.

Taisha petted Maggie's hair with her left hand, put her cheek against Maggie's and smiled at her. "Excellent Principal Turner, It's time for your first lesson. It's more of a review of a previous teachings."

Taisha brought her right hand to Maggie's face and caressed her lower lip with her middle finger. She gently pushed it in Maggie's willing mouth, and she sucked it in and swirled her tongue around it.

"God, I want you Principal Turner," Smiled Taisha. "Now, I want you to watch in the mirror, while I remind you of the power in this one little finger."

Maggie sucked the finger, whimpering as her pussy flushed with warm wetness.

Taisha pulled her right finger out while her left hand slid down Maggie's shoulder and chest then on down her stomach. Maggie gasped in anticipation as Taisha's hand moved lower. Then her fingers slid under the right side of Maggie's panties and peeled them back to the left.

They both watched in the mirror with a rush of excitement as the magic finger slid through Maggie's dark brown muff and separated her exposed engorged labia. Both mouths opened when the finger reached her steaming wetness. As Taisha spoke Maggie stiffened and pressed backward against Taisha, moaning audibly.

"Oh, Principal Turner you're down right steaming." Taisha kissed her neck and slid her stretched finger up and down her crack like a hotdog in a bun. "Do you like th..."

"Oh yes, Taisha I love when you touch me." Maggie whimpered uncontrollably.

"Thank you for telling me, you take instruction well." Taisha whispered as her hand maintained a slow steady pace.

Maggie watched as Taisha's dark finger partially disappeared between her pink labia. "Taisha you feel so good."

"No, that's you Principal Turner, so warm, soft and wet. I could touch you forever." She teased Maggie's earlobe with her tongue.

"Oh please, Taisha." Maggie rocked her hips.

"I love the way you move Principal Turner. You've missed my finger, haven't you?"

Maggie couldn't believe the frenzy Taisha put her in with that one little finger. As she watched herself gyrate it only excited her more. "Oh, yes Taisha I've missed you."

"Do you want me inside of you Principal Turner?" asked Taisha as she pressed a little harder.

"Yes, please Taisha, oooohhhhh!" She moaned.

"Spread your your legs wider for me Principal Turner." She said firmly.

Maggie's legs were pressed against Taisha's inner thigh, so she quickly put one leg at a time over Taisha's, so her calves rested on the outside of Taisha's knees.

"Thank you Principal Turner. If you continue to do as I say, I promise you'll never forget today." Taisha said seductively as her finger slid up Maggie's pussy.

As she moved her hand back down the finger curled and slid smoothly into her vagina.

"Oh Taisha, I love wh, what you do to me!" Maggie panted with her hand pushing on Taisha's thighs raising her pelvis to meet that magical finger.

"You make me want you so much Principal Turner. This is just one finger. I have so much in store for you today. Are you ready to learn Principal Turner?"

"Yes, Taisha, yes!" She squealed and rolled her hips as Taisha pumped her with the finger.

"Are you my teacher's pet Principal Turner?"

"Yes!" Maggie panted.

Taisha squeezed her tight with her left arm and sped up her right finger. "You've made me so happy Principal Turner, I'm so glad you like the outfit I bought you. The way you move for me makes my whole body burn for you. I love how you give yourself to me so freely. I want you to release all that bottled up passion for me. Will you give yourself to me today Principal Turner?"

Maggie's eyes were locked on Taisha's face as she spoke. Those piercing eyes seemed to see her deepest desires and her touch excited every part of her. "Oh God Taisha. I love what you do to me. Yes, I want you to, ah!"

Maggie felt a climax building, arched her back and closed her eyes surrendering to the finger that plunged inside her. "Will you give yourself to me for the day Principal Turner and let me pleasure you as you deserve to be pleasured?"

"Yes, I'm yours Taisha. Anything..." Maggie's hips moved faster and faster with her building climax.

"Thank you Principal Turner. Each time I make you cum I want you to sing it out."

Already on the verge, she squealed instantly. "You're making me cum Taish, aaaaa." Then Maggie's eyes closed.

"Open your eyes and watch me make you cum Principal Turner."

Maggie did as commanded and Taisha moved the finger to her clit and rubbed it hard and fast. "Taisha!" She yelled. "Your... Mak, ing, me cum!"

Maggie's mouth hung open as she moaned and screamed with pleasure. She watched as Taisha's mouth also hung open mirroring Maggie's. It was as if Taisha was feeling Maggie's bliss herself.

Taisha moved her finger back inside her and began a rhythm of plunging her finger in and out then rubbing her clit.

"Making me, ah! Cum T, tai, sha!"

Taisha pulled out and massaged her clit.

"Right there don't stop!" Yelled Maggie.

Taisha rubbed her hard. "You like that Principal Turner?"

"God y, yes! Mak, ing me cum!

Taisha's pussy flooded with warmth as she watched Principal Maggie Turner rolling her hips wildly.

"All this from one finger Principal Turner." Taisha smiled briefly but resumed the open-mouthed sympathy moan as fantasy had finally become reality.

"Love, that fing, ger Taish, aaaaa! Cum, ming!" She screamed.

"I want you so much, Principal Turner!"

Maggie moaned and jerked uncontrollably as Taisha held her tight with her left arm and delivered paralyzing pleasure with one ebony finger. Taisha was relentless as Maggie's orgasm seemed never ending. Finally, she couldn't take anymore and gripped Taisha's arm and pulled her off.

Watching herself cum so hard and so willingly was an image she would replay in her mind a thousand times, she thought, as she leaned against her maven catching her breath.

Taisha began to caress her hair softly. "An amazing beginning Principal Turner. Thank you for making my dream a reality." She kissed her cheek softly and held her close.

Maggie looked at Taisha's face as she gently petted Maggie's head. It was the look of pure contentment. She closed her eyes and enjoyed Taisha's warmth. A smile washed over her face as she imagined what Taisha would teach her next.

To Be Continued...
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