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I hope you enjoy submission as much as Aiko does. There are more chapters to come. Happy reading!
My name is Aiko. My parents moved from Japan to the States when I was four. I don't remember anything about my old home. My only connection is that I can still speak the language.

At school, most people are nice to me even though I am very shy. My mother always said that I had to learn to get out of my shell, or the other students would pick on me. But I never did learn, and they're nice to me, anyway. My friend Julia says it's because I'm pretty, but I'm not sure that's true. Boys don't seem that interested in me. I've only been asked out once.

Not that I'd want it to be different. I've never been interested in a boy from my class. If I were, things would probably have played out very differently.

It's dawned on me for a while that I'm unusual. Other girls often talk about boys. Including Julia. And I guess some of them look cute. But I don't think that's enough. I've asked Julia to describe what it feels like to be interested in someone, and I'm sure I've never felt anything like that.

Not for anyone my age, anyway.

I first noticed it while watching movies. It wasn't too crazy, but it sure was more than I felt for the boys in my class. No one too old, though. I don't like old people. But I do like people in their thirties. And it's not the pretty ones that other girls sometimes talk about. I don't want someone pretty. I want someone strong. Someone commanding. Someone rough. There's nothing less exciting to me than a slow and romantic date, or whatever normal girls dream of.

It would have been okay if that had all stayed a fantasy. I wouldn't have asked for more. I'm not that greedy. And until the start of last year, that's all it was. Until we got Mr. Thorne.

I don't remember the early lessons clearly, but I know his hands were the first thing I noticed. His rough, strong hands. Once, I wrote my homework on a loose sheet of paper instead of my notebook, and when I handed it to him, I held the sheet so that his hands would have to touch mine as he grabbed it. When I got home that day, that was the first time I masturbated thinking about him. Thinking about those hands grabbing me, pushing me down on the bed, holding me there so firmly that I couldn't escape even if I wanted to. I had never done it before because I knew it was weird, but since that day, I don't care anymore. I know it's not gonna happen, so I'm gonna fantasize about it while I still can.

Oh, and he is our math teacher.

I've made it through a year without anyone realizing what's going on. I never figured out if the other girls really can't control themselves or if they show their emotions on purpose, but for me, it's easy to hide what I'm thinking. No one can know what goes on in your head if you don't tell them.

I remember thinking that I'd probably lose interest in Mr. Throne over time. I haven't. If anything, it's gotten worse. I keep thinking about him. His face, his hands. And his voice. God, I love his voice. It's so masculine and strong, and I can tell that he's not even trying.

I actually used to be good at math. Not so much nowadays. It's so hard to focus. Even though Mr. Thorne explains much better than our previous teacher, I can't seem to listen without getting lost in his voice. I love his voice so much.

The other reason is that I know he gave Toni a private lesson when his grades took a dip. You wouldn't think he's the type to care that much, but he did. I didn't think it would happen for me; Toni lives just with his mum who doesn't seem to be able to help him, while I have two normal parents. So he probably won't think that I need it. But you never know. Let's just say that it didn't exactly motivate me to get my grades back on track.

And as it turned out, I was wrong. When the bell rang to the end of the class, the last class of the day, he told me to stay back, and it was exactly what I had hoped for. Or feared? I think both.

"Should I wait for you outside?" asked Julia as the students around us began packing.

I shook my head. "Thanks, but I think this could take a while."

"Yeah, he probably wants to talk about your last exam."

I nodded, and Julia laughed.

"Well, it won't be that bad," she said lightly. "See you tomorrow."

"See you," I murmured, slowly packing the rest of my things. When the classroom was empty except for us two, I stepped in front of the teacher's desk. My heart was pounding, but I knew he wouldn't notice. It wasn't the first time.

I couldn't look at him, though. I was too nervous. But it's okay. I often look downward. One of the perks of being an introvert.

"Aiko, your grades have been slipping for the past year."

My heart skipped a beat. He was so direct. I knew he would be. No talking around the problem.

"I'm sorry," I murmured shyly.

"You don't have to apologize. You don't owe it to anyone to do well. I'm only asking why and if there's anything I can do to help."

I fidgeted around nervously with my fingers. There was no way I could ask...

Mr. Thorne sighed. "Well," he said, "I did offer your classmate to help him directly, so I'll extend the same offer to you if you want, but-"

I didn't look up, but I nodded.

"Yes?" he asked, sounding surprised.

I nodded again.

"Alright then." No second-guessing, of course. Now that he said it, he'd do it. I looked up in time to see him glance at the watch.

"We could do it tomorrow if you have the third or fourth period free. If not, then sometime next week. Or right now would work as well, if you-"

I nodded somewhat frantically.

"Right now?" he asked.

I nodded again. "Yes, please," I said quietly, now starting to worry that my shyness would become noticeable even for me. "Um, we only have the final period free tomorrow. But right now is good. I can send a text that I'll be home late."

"Alright then," he said, and I dug out my phone. I almost dropped it, but I managed to type a message to mom.

I hadn't thought this through. Because I had never actually expected it to work. I had thought as far as wanting to spend more time with him, but what would I do now? How would I do it?

I realized that I would have to pay attention. I could no longer afford to get lost in the sound of his voice. If this session didn't work out, he might even end it early. Whereas if I did well, perhaps...

"Shall we sit at your desk?"

My head shot up. Somehow, this had never occurred to me. I had expected him to keep using the blackboard.

"U-um," I stammered, "sure."

I returned to my desk, my heart pounding as he took the seat next to me.

"... alright," he said slowly. "I think the first thing we should look at is limits. I think that's been the topic where you've done worst."

Had he really looked at this beforehand? He seemed to have put more time into this than I had realized.

"Yes," I said with some delay, "I honestly never really understood what they are."

The lesson that followed was very difficult for me. Over and over again, my thoughts drifted off, either into sexual fantasies or dread about what the hell I was doing. But every time I noticed it, I snapped back as quickly as I could. Unusually, it was enough. There was only one time when I realized the full extent to which I had no idea what I was even trying to do, that I had to ask him to repeat what he was saying.

It was ironic that he was actually a fantastic teacher in this setting. I had never realized how ineffective it was to teach an entire class at once, and how much better you could do like this. If the situation had been different, I'd probably really appreciate it.

"... so that comes out at 35 percent, I think?" I asked. When he didn't answer, I looked up nervously.

"Aiko," he said with some delay, "is there a problem at home?"

"Huh?" I made. "Um, no. Why do you ask, Mr. Thorne?"

"Because you're clearly smart enough to understand all of this. We've just covered about half of last year's curriculum in..." He looked at the watch. "... fifty minutes."

"No, everything is good at home," I said. "You're a... um, very good at teaching, Mr. Thorne."

I had wanted to say "a very good teacher", but for some reason, that felt wrong. I wasn't sure why. Because I wanted him to be more than that?

"Aiko, I've been your teacher last year, too. If I'm good at it, why did you lose the thread in the first place? We've covered all this stuff in far more detail during class."

I kneaded my hands nervously, feeling put on the spot. "It's, um... uh, it's my fault. I just have trouble focusing. It has nothing to do with your teaching."

"What about now?"

I winced. He hadn't said something like, 'it seems like you could focus better now'. Had he noticed how hard it had been for me? Or was it just a coincidence?

"Um," I stammered, "I tried... more... I didn't want to disappoint you, Mr. Thorne."

I realized, too late, how inappropriate that sounded.

"... you know, since you took your time to tutor me privately," I added hastily.

Did he realize what was going on? Did I want him to realize? If he did, the most I'd get would probably be a stern talking-to. He was so unlikely to want me, even if he knew exactly what I was willing to do... which was just about everything.

But if there was even the slightest chance, perhaps...



"I'm sorry. What did you say, Mr. Thorne?"

"I asked if there's a reason you can't focus."

"Oh." I felt myself starting to panic. What was I supposed to do now?

I saw no way to dodge the question, so I nodded.

Mr. Thorne said nothing for a few seconds. I was waiting for him to ask if I wanted to talk about it, at which point I could say no and-

"So, why is it?"

I froze. Why was he so direct? Weren't you supposed to ask permission for this kind of thing first?

Well, I thought, fuck it. So what if he'd find out? It would be fine; he wasn't the type to tell anyone.

"I, uh..." My heart was pounding. "I sort of have a crush on someone... yeah." I managed a nervous laugh. "That makes it difficult to concentrate on math."

He probably knew I wasn't slipping in other subjects, and he'd seen how nervous I'd been right then. On the other hand, the truth was so outrageous that-

"On one of the younger boys in your class?"

Adrenaline surged through my veins at the question. He knew.

"U-um," I stammered, "no".

"Someone older?"

I didn't want to speak, so I nodded. He just looked at me, staying perfectly calm. It must have been over ten seconds before he finally said something.

"It's okay, Aiko. I won't tell anyone."

"Oh," I said, and though a part of me felt relief, I was also disappointed. I had always known that the chances were low, but...

"However," he continued, "I'm sure you know that it is taboo for people in a position of authority to be intimate with their subordinates. Such a person would take on an unacceptable risk, especially if the subordinate were also underage."

My heart made a leap. Did that mean what I thought it meant? That he might be interested if I could convince him he'd get away with it?

It took me a few seconds to compose myself; I had been so sure that he would shut me down, and what he had said had seemed so unlikely that it had completely thrown me off.

"U-um," I said way too late, "if, um... if the sub... subordinate were actually of age, though, it wouldn't be so bad, would it? Even if she only had her birthday a few weeks ago."

"In that case, he wouldn't risk prison, but still his job. And if he said yes, what would she even do for him?"

"She would do everything," I said breathlessly. There was no going back now. "She would do whatever... whatever he wanted, and... and he could do to her whatever he wanted... even things that would hurt her. She might... she might even like those things."

He stood up and, without warning, put both hands on my shoulders. I had never felt this anxious my entire life.

"Do you swear that you won't tell anyone?"

I nodded frantically. "I swear it."

"And that you will also do everything to protect the secret, including everything I tell you, even if I don't tell you why?"

"Of course. I swear it. I don't care what you'll tell me. I'll do everything."

After looking at me for a few more seconds, he walked to the door, pulled a keychain out of his pocket, and locked it. Then he grabbed a chair, pushing it below the door to block the handle. Even someone who had a key wouldn't be able to get in now.

"Let down the blinds, Aiko."

"Y-yes, Mr. Thorne." I almost stumbled over my feet as I rushed to the control buttons. I couldn't believe this was actually happening. But what was it? What was going to happen? What was he going to do with me?

"Have you ever done something like this, Aiko?"

"No, Mr. Thorne. Never. But... but... but if I don't do it well, you can correct me. Or force me. Make me. You can do anything to me. Anything. I mean it, Mr. Thorne. There's nothing I'm not willing to do. And I don't expect anything in return."

"Good," he said, "because I won't give you anything."

I gasped slightly, though it was so quiet that he might not have heard it. I hadn't expected the reply, but there was probably nothing he could have said that would have made me more excited.

The blinds were almost closed now, but Mr. Thorne waited until it was completely dark to turn on the light. Then, he returned to the teacher's desk, looking around it as if he were searching for something. Whatever the reason was, I was far too nervous to figure it out.

Finally, he walked back around, taking a stand in front of his desk.

"Come here."

"Y-yes, Mr. Thorne."

I rushed forward; he had given me no other instructions, so I simply halted a few feet before him. The tension was almost unbearable now.

"You seem nervous."

I winced. "Yes, Mr. Thorne. I am."

"Do you know what I expect you to do now, Aiko?"

I nodded, my body trembling.

"I... I think so, mister."

"Then do it."

"Yes, mister."

I stumbled forward, then practically fell onto my knees before him. When he pulled his hands behind his back, and I knew I had understood him correctly.

I had expected the nerves to get even worse now that I was really going to do it, but somehow, the opposite happened. I hadn't known how to approach or convince him to have me. But I knew I wanted this.

I looked up at him, and when I saw no rejection, I slowly, slowly reached out with a hand, grabbing his shirt that was tucked into his jeans. I had to look at him again to make sure, then I pulled it out. Once that was done, I brought two shaking hands to the button of his jeans. A final look up, and I opened them.

"Thank you, mister," I whispered. "Thank you for letting me do this."



"It's good that you said thanks, but whenever we're alone, you will call me sir from now on."

"Y-yes, sir. Of course, sir. I'm sorry, sir."

The button came free. I didn't look up again; we were past the point where either of us could have misunderstood what was happening. I grabbed his zipper, pulling it down.

I could feel my mouth watering at the sight of his underpants. He was big. I had always imagined him that way, of course, but I wasn't stupid enough to think it wasn't ultimately random. But he was. And he was hard.

"C... can I touch it, sir?" I stammered.

"Not with your hands. But you can remove my underwear."

I nodded. Not thinking to question him or ask why, I carefully grabbed the dark blue fabric with two fingers from each hand, pulling it down.

His cock jumped free, aiming directly at my face. If I were sitting any closer, it would have touched me.

I looked up at him and realized what his previous command meant.

"May I... put it in my mouth, sir?"

He gave a nod, and I could feel my heart pounding faster than ever before. I looked back at his cock. It was thick. But it didn't matter. I would please him no matter what.

I opened my mouth wide and, without using my hands, took the head of his cock into my mouth. I had never had my mouth on a cock before – it was saltier than I expected, and it was so thick that it was difficult to take it in far. When I felt like it was as deep as I could get it, I looked up at him. Our eyes met, and I didn't feel compelled to look away this time. I was finally where I belonged: kneeling in front of him, sucking his cock.

I drew back, took a breath, and then went down on it again. It was rock-hard. I was so lucky to be someone he wanted, and I'd make the most of it.

But it wasn't about me. I had to please him. I went down on his cock again and again, taking it as deep as I could. After a while, I drew back and looked up.

"Am I doing it right, sir?"

"It should be deeper."

I winced. "Yes, sir. Sorry, sir. I'll try to take it deeper, I promise. Or if you want, you can also hold me still and force it as-"

I didn't get further because he had grabbed my head and rammed his dick in. It went past my mouth and into my throat, triggering the gag reflex, but I couldn't throw up. I heard him sigh softly, indifferent to what was happening to me, and then he pulled out. I gasped for air, sputtering, but he didn't give me more than a few seconds before he slammed it back in. My eyes seemed to roll back in their sockets, but I tried to ignore the gag reflex and breathe in through my nose instead.

"That's better," he murmured while pulling my head up and down his shaft. "Good girl."

Just when I thought I couldn't take it anymore, he released my head, leaving me gasping for breath.

"Thank you," I managed, "thank you, sir."

"You can spit on it if you want. And you may use your hand now."

I gathered a mouth full of saliva and took his shaft in both of my hands, but rather than spitting on it, I took just the tip into my mouth and let my spit run down on both sides. Then I started jacking him off, leaving as much of his dick in my mouth as I could.

"Good girl," he murmured, and a shiver ran down my spine. "But I'm not sure I can let you have my cum."

I drew back my head but continued jacking him off. "Please? Please, sir?"

"If I did, where would you want it?"

"However it pleases you, master. I mean, sir."

"Master is fine. Good girl."

And with that, he took my head and pushed me down on his cock once again. It was just as deep as before, but this time, it was slow enough that I felt in control while it happened. He pulled me back just as slowly, giving me enough time to take a breath, then pushed me down again. I looked up at him, and when I met his gaze, I knew I had never been as much in love as in this moment. But his cock being pushed deep into my mouth pulled me back into the present. I was being throat-fucked.

"I'm going to cum in your mouth," he said, slowly accelerating his motions, "and you're going to keep it all there. Got it?"

His movements were now too fast to let me speak in between, so I nodded. He rammed me down on his cock faster and faster, and I felt tears enter the corners of my eyes. I could barely get enough air. But it didn't matter. Nothing mattered, except that I had to endure this, no matter how long it took.

Suddenly, I could feel his dick swell in my throat. He groaned softly, pulled my head back just a bit, and then held me there as one, two, three spurts of cum hit the back of my mouth. I had never tasted cum before, and the fact that this was the way it happened gave me a deep, perverse kind of satisfaction.

I waited for him to pull back, but he seemed to enjoy having my lips around his shaft even now.

Finally, he released my head from his grip.

"Make sure the tip is clean when you pull back."

I nodded and, carefully, kept everything in my mouth as I slowly released my lips from his dick. Then, I looked up at him.


I opened my mouth wide, showing him his cum.


I closed my mouth and gulped down, then opened it again, sticking out my tongue to show him that it was all clean.

"Good girl." He grabbed my head and, to my surprise, pushed me down on his cock again, even though it was already softening. I sucked it eagerly; it was easier now than before. I only stopped as I felt a force pushing my head back. He pulled up his pants and zipped up. Then, he held out a hand.

Still on my knees, I took it, and he helped me get up. It seemed symbolic more than anything.

"Aiko," he said slowly, "do you still mean everything you said before?"

"Of course, master."

But he shook his head, and I felt a stitch of disappointment, even anger. Why was he ruining it? Why?


"I meant everything!"

"Aiko, listen to me. If word of this gets out, I will lose my job and you-"

"You've told me that before!"

"I know," said Mr. Thorne. "But it bears repeating at least once. I need to be absolutely sure that you want this."

I looked at him and saw that he was staring me directly in the eyes. I held his gaze.

"I want this. What just happened was the greatest experience of my life."

He nodded.

"If you change your mind, let me know immediately. Privately."

He waited for me to nod before he continued.

"Until that happens-"

"It won't."

"-I will never bring it up again."

He took a step forward, then moved one of his beautiful hands around me to grab my butt from behind. I gasped.

"You're dirty. Go clean your face."

"Y-yes, master."

I hurried to the sink at the other end of the room and did as I was told. Then, I returned to the teacher's desk.

"When will I see you again, master?" I asked. "I mean-"

"I will let you know."

I nodded. "I will wait for it, master." I made an awkward gesture with my hand to signal goodbye, then made for the door.


Startled, I turned around on the spot.

"Yes, master?"

"Come here."

I hurried toward him. Without any warning, he slapped me across the face.

"Ow!" I said involuntarily, touching my cheek with a hand.

"You don't just walk away from me. Who do you think you are?"

"I'm sorry, master. I wasn't thinking, master."

"The first thing you do is thank me for everything I've done for you."

I nodded. "Thank you, master. Thank you for bearing with me. Thank you for letting me suck your wonderful cock. And thank you for coming in my mouth."

He bowed his head. "The second thing you do is get down."

I immediately got on my knees, the same position I'd had while sucking him off.

"Not like that. Turn away from me, on all fours."

Still on my knees, I turned around, then bent forward.

"Now pull up your skirt."

I pulled up my skirt, my cheeks burning in humiliation. It was making me incredibly horny, even more so than I had been earlier. He would see it, too. My panties were exposed, and I was so wet that he would easily see it through the fabric.

"Pull your panties down to your ankles with the other hand."

I did this, too. Was he going to fuck me? God, I was so horny. If I were allowed to touch myself right now, I'd come in a few seconds.

"Now spread your butt cheeks with both hands and keep them like that until I tell you what to do next."

My hands now shaking again, in both humiliation and excitement, I grabbed both cheeks of my ass and, careful not to let my skirt fall back down, pulled them apart. I felt the cool air brush up against my asshole.

I heard a clicking sound, probably from his phone camera. I let out a breath in disbelief, but I said nothing.

"You will do this every time you leave me, without being prompted. Now you can go."

My anger seemed to go past the boiling point. He wasn't going to have me. After all I had done for him, after I'd already debased myself pleasuring him, he had made me get into this position and, worst of all, taken a picture of it. And now that I wanted it more than ever, he wasn't going to do it.

I stood up, shaking, then turned around.



"I think I need to be punished. I'm having... sinful thoughts... I felt anger at what you did, even though I had enough discipline not to-"

He slapped me across the face, harder than before. It hurt.

God, I was so horny.

"Good on you to confess, at least. You will learn your place."

"Yes, master."

"And now, you can really go." He stepped around me, removing the chair from under the door. Only when he unlocked it did I fully comprehend that we were still at school; that everything we'd just done had taken place in our classroom.

I stepped to the door, gave master a final look, and then left without saying anything else. I could have gone into a stall of the girls' bathroom to masturbate, but I couldn't bear the tension of being in the school anymore. I had to get home. I walked as fast as I could without running, my face burning the entire time. Once there, all I could think was how much I wanted to get into my room without seeing my parents. I felt enormous relief when no one called my name as I unlocked the door. I stormed into my room, locked it, pulled off my shoes, and lay on the bed, still wearing my school uniform. My cunny was on fire. I moaned as soon as I slipped a hand under my skirt. I probably should have waited a bit, done the things I knew to give me a stronger release. But I was too horny to care. I started rubbing my clit, and within seconds, I had a powerful orgasm. I breathed heavily, waited a few seconds, then started rubbing it again, using my other hand to pump two fingers into my cunny. I needed more. I imagined being in the same position from earlier, with master holding me down, his strong hands on my hips, perhaps grabbing my ass again, his thick cock ramming into my cunt, fucking me from behind, ravaging my poor, tight hole. I pumped furiously into my pussy, being rougher with myself than I had ever been before. I came again soon, a release that hurt almost as much as it felt good. With my last strength, I pulled my panties back up, tossed the skirt across the room, slipped out of the upper part of my uniform, and drew the blanket over myself. I didn't fall asleep immediately, but I remembered nothing after that point.


2024-01-21 08:55:39
Enjoyed it looking forward to reading more parts.


2024-01-20 12:49:31
Great story! I hope you continue the series!

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